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1. Love

2. Winter Nights

3. The Stream




Looking across at you

I find my self wondering is there another

Who posses such beauty


Wondering eyes attempting to



Do you realize my gaze is set on you?

Do you know how I long to know you?


No not possible I tell me self

Your mind surely thinks me a fool

Stupid boy


I sit and glance for fear

Of your acknowledgement

You'll never know how I feel


I make my move


French graced by technology

I move my fingers to express

It's Not enough - no I need more


A friendship builds


Secret meetings between two beings

Bodies present as separate

My mind longs for connectivity of



Have I fallen in Love?


Mind is full of thoughts of your face

Your voice speaks to me in dreams

Visions of acting out the ordinary


Daily staring to try to communicate

Eyes sharing the deepest of emotion

Yes Love


Courage building as fear subsides

I am stronger now in you

There is no barrier



Nine words

Is it ok to tell you I Love you?

Shared feelings

Escaping from the taboo


Love overcoming my holdings back

You and I together in my dreams

Longing for the latter


Enduring division by faults of

My mistakes

Do you not see it's not the wise choice?

It may seem innocent but it could

Kill this tie of our selves


Subtraction of guilt

It wasn't your fault

It was my own stupidity


Addition of true trust

Absolute care for you I would never mean to

Hurt you

Never attempt to cause you distress


Multiplication of Love



-Winter Nights-


Rain drops falling on the roof above

Now tossing in bed for a comfort

Unobtainable without you here


Dreaming of winter nights under

The stars gazing down from heaven

But an angel beside me



-The Stream-


Walking beside a cool stream

Hand in hand

Sand between our toes


Peaceful bliss announced love

Shared memories

Proclamations of desire


Friendship strengthened

Walking the stream of life

It's easier now that you are here