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The Science Twins: A Sam/Daniel Tribute Site

News and Updates

1/31/05: Chapter 10, the final chapter of "Thanks For the Memories" has just been added.

1/24/05: Chapter 9 of "Thanks For the Memories" has just been added. Sorry I took so long with this one! I ran into a bit of a wall with it and was just so busy I didn't have time to work on it. Links to two fics by Pagan Twylight (a.k.a Kate) have also been added, both highly recommended reading. I've also added a link to her home page on the Links page. Check it out.

1/04/05: Happy New Year, everyone! Sorry for the lack of updating, but the holidays had me really busy. A new chapter has been added to Fannie's great "Petra" fanfic, and a new link has been added to the Links page (Daniel Jackson Lovur's Abode - check it out!).

12/21/04: A new holiday fic, "Merry Christmas (Couldn't Miss This One This Year)", has just been added to the Fan Fiction page. Apologies for lack of updating, but the madness of the holiday season is upon me. The new site will be up hopefully within the next couple of weeks. As soon as it is up I will post an announcement here.

12/12/04: Chapter 8 of "Thanks For the Memories" has been added.

12/08/04: Chapter 7 of "Thanks For the Memories" has finally been added. Chapter 8 should not be too far behind.

12/04/04: Important Announcement: In a few weeks this site will have a new home: I have decided that with the growing fanfiction archive, plus with all the pictures and other multimedia I plan to have on this site, I may not be able to keep it up on a free webhosting service. As it stands now, I will probably leave this site up as an alternative if the new one ever becomes unavailable for a period of time. However, this site will not be updated as continuously as the new one will be. Once the newer site is up and running, I will post the URL here. Keep watching this space!

11/28/04: Stargate SG-1 has been renewed for another season! No word yet on who's signed on, but hopefully we'll hear something soon. In site news, Chapter 6 of "Thanks For the Memories" was added to the Fan Fiction section.

11/07/04: Some new fics were added to the Fan Fiction section, and three new links were added to the Links page. I have a ton of more pictures to add, which hopefully will be up before the weekend is over.

10/31/04: A new fic for Halloween, "Trick or Treat," has been added to the Fanfic section. More coming soon.

10/26/04: Chapter 5 of "Thanks for the Memories" was added to the Fanfic section, with more fanfic updates coming soon.

10/24/04: Lots of updates: Two new pictures were added to the Anthropuppy section in Fan Art, one new wallpaper (a Meridian wall) in the Wallpaper section, three new pictures in Humorous Captions (S/D) as well as one new picture in Non-S/D Captions, and a new section called The Coffee Series, which revolves around you-know-who's obsession with caffeine. ;) More pics coming soon, my server has been on the fritz these past two days, so I haven't been able to do much uploading.

10/18/04: We've just found out that Amanda Tapping is pregnant, and she is due sometime in March! Much love and congrats to Amanda. :) Also, Michael Shanks and his wife Lexa Doig welcomed a baby girl into the world last month. Congrats and best wishes to both of them. :) In website news, a new S/D drawing has been added to the "Drawings and Manipulations" page of the Fan Art section. More updates in the next few days.

9/28/04: Some fanfic updates: Chapter 4 of "Thanks for the Memories" has been added, along with a couple of new fics "Allies and Enemies" and "Blue on Blue." More to come soon. If you've sent me a fic and I don't have it up yet, I apologize. My hard drive crashed and I'm using my laptop as backup until I get it hooked up again. Most of the fics I've received are saved in email files which I don't have access to at the moment. If you'd like to see your fics up right away, I'd ask that you please resend them to me, if you haven't done so already. Again, I apologize for this. More updates coming in the next few days.

9/23/04: Chapter 3 of "Thanks for the Memories" is now up, with more additions to the fanfics and pictures sections coming soon. Sorry I've been slow in updating, but I was plagued with computer problems this past week. More updates coming on the weekend, I promise. :)

9/12/04: Chapter 2 of "Thanks for the Memories" has just been added, with more fics and pics to come soon.

9/10/04: Two great sites, Stargate SG-1 and Tribute to Michael Shanks, have been added to the Links section.

9/08/04: The first chapter of a new fanfic, "Thanks for the Memories", has just been added. More fics to come soon.

9/07/04: The Episode Guides section was finally added. None of the pages are up for it yet, but I'll have them all up eventually. Also, one more "Anthropuppy" pic was added, as well as one "Non-S/D Humorous Captions" pic.

9/05/04: The homepage was redesigned a bit with a new logo. There are some new additions in fanfic, and more pics will be on the way soon.

8/25/04: Part 3 of "Petra" has been added.

8/24/04: Some new fanfic additions: Part 1 and 2 of Fannie's "Petra" fic has been added, as well as a link to dirty diana's "Strawberry Ice Cream" fic. Both are highly recommended reading. :) I've also added a scan of my photo op pic with MS to my page on the NJ Creation Con, along with a link to some pics taken of MS at the photo op and charity breakfast (thanks again for the link, Marla!). More fanfiction and pics will be added in the next few days.

8/23/04: Yet more "Anthropuppy" pics were added, as well as two "Non-S/D Humorous Captions", and a S/D drawing to the "Drawings and Manipulations" page. A new fanfic, "Second Thoughts" was added to the Fanfiction section, and the image gallery for "There But For the Grace of God" was also added. To those of you who have sent me fanfics and they're not up yet, I apologize. I didn't have as much time as I'd hoped this weekend to work on the site, but I promise I'll get them up before this week is over. Sorry for the delay! :(

8/19/04: A few more "Anthropuppy" pics have been added, and a few pics have been added to the "Humorous Captions" (S/D) and the "Non-S/D Humorous Captions" sections. More pics and fic coming soon, I promise. :)

8/15/04: One pic has been added to "Humorous Captions" (S/D), and two more "Anthropuppy" pics have been added. Heather's sweet fanfic "Breaking the Walls" has been added to the Fanfiction section, and the image gallery for "Tin Man" has also been added. More pics and fic coming soon.

8/11/04: Two more "Anthropuppy" pics have been added, and I've added a scan of my photo which was autographed by MS at the convention.

8/10/04: One new "Anthropuppy" pic has been added, and my convention report with pics has finally been posted. Again, the pictures are pretty crummy and I'm hoping that someone out there will have gotten better pics than I did. Anyway, hope you like the report.

8/09/04: Some new "Anthropuppy" pics, non-S/D captions, and one "Humorous Captions" (S/D) pic, have been added. I had a ball at the convention, but unfortunately my pics didn't turn out well. :( I have about 3 or 4 which are halfway decent that I will upload along with my con report, hopefully by tomorrow. If anyone reading this attended this con, has a report and some good pics, please email me.

8/05/04: The last chapter (6) of "Snowbound" has been added, along with a slew of "Anthropuppy" pics, three new wallpapers, and a couple of non-S/D captions. Next update probably won't be until early next week, as I'll be at the convention this weekend. I will post a report and pics after I get back.

8/03/04: The Conventions section was added. Here you'll find reports and/or pics from recent and not-so-recent Stargate or sci-fi related (providing that MS and AT are guests) conventions. Spacemonkey_jackson's pics and report from the Creation Con in Burbank (7/10 and 7/11/04) were just added to this section. After I get back from the convention at the Meadowlands this coming weekend, I will add pics and a report for that one as well. Also, chapter 6 of "Snowbound" will be added soon.

7/28/04: Image galleries for Cor Ai and Enigma have been added. A bunch of new pics have been added to the "Anthropuppy Series" page, as well as three new Non-S/D Humorous Captions. I hope to have chapter 6 of "Snowbound" finished sometime next week before I go convention.

7/25/04: Image galleries for Bloodlines, Hathor, and Singularity have been added. One new pic has been added to the "Anthropuppy Series" page, and one new pic has been added to the "Humorous Captions" section.

7/24/04: Chapter 5 of "Snowbound" has just been added. More pics to be added soon.

7/21/04: Some disappointing news: Amanda will not be able to attend the Creation Stargate Convention on August 7th and 8th at the Meadowlands since she will be filming a TV movie during that time. :( (Crossing my fingers that Michael doesn't decide to change his plans also!) Rachel Luttrell, who plays Teyla on Stargate Atlantis will be attending, though, so it will be cool to meet someone who stars in the new series. In site news, I have added a General Stargate (Non-S/D) Captions and Manipulations page to the Fan Art section. On it you will find "The Anthropuppy Series" (cool little Daniel pics) and Humorous Captions. I got some feedback about this idea and decided to go ahead with it. If you'd like to contribute some pics, please email them to me and I'll gladly add them. I've also added a logo pic to the "Snowbound" fic, which can be seen on the first page.

7/18/04: Chapter 4 of Snowbound has just been added, and I'm working on Chapter 5 at the moment, so I hope to have that added soon as well.

7/17/04: The Links page has been tweaked a bit and a link to Meg's wonderful "Gateview" site has been added. I've also added links to two of her great fanfics on the Fan Fiction page, "The Chase" and "What a Drag." I hope to have the next chapter of Snowbound finished shortly. Unfortunately I'm busier than usual this weekend and can't really find much time to write. :p But it will be up ASAP.

7/16/04: The "Link to Us" page has been added. If you'd like to link to this site, this page has a few banners you can use (or you're welcome to use a text link). There will be more banners in the near future, but if you'd like to donate one (or more) please email them to me. A page for a little vignette called "Bra'tac Knows" has just been added to the Funny Captions section as well. I am working on Chapter 4 of the Snowbound fic and hope to have it finished by Sunday (and after it's beta'd, up on the site by Monday or Tuesday).

7/08/04: Chapter 3 of the Snowbound fic has just been added. *Note: This weekend is the Creation Stargate Convention in Burbank, CA. If anyone is going and is able to get pictures of AT and MS and would like me to add them to the site (I will be making a page for convention photos), please email them to me. Thanks. :)

7/06/04: Four new wallpapers have been added to the Fan Art section. I have begun moving some of the images to the new server. Most of the main pages (Fanfiction, main Fan Art and Episode Gallery pages) will remain here, but as I plan to have tons of images on this site, I thought it best to upload them to a server which affords me more disk space. In fanfiction news, I plan to add Chapter three of Snowbound soon, hopefully before the end of the week. And if not, very soon after that. :)

6/30/04: One new picture has been added to the Humorous Captions page in the Fan Art section. I will begin moving all of the images to a new server soon.

6/29/04: Chapter two of the Snowbound fanfic has just been added. Hope you like it. :)

6/24/04: Two new wallpapers were added to the Fan Art section. I hope to have chapter two of the Snowbound fanfic up shortly.

6/24/04: More avatars and wallpapers have been added to the Fan Art section. I am thinking of moving all the pics to a different server since this one only gives me 25 MB of space. :p When this happens, all the pics (fan art, episode galleries) will be undergoing maintenance as I move them to another server. This probably won't happen until next week or so, but I just wanted to let you all know in case the pics don't show up or something.

6/22/04: An Avatars and Icons page was added to the Fan Art section, with a bunch of avatars. A new wallpaper was also added to the Wallpapers section. Finally, chapter 1 of a new fanfic "Snowbound" was added to the Fanfics section. Sorry I've been slow in updating lately. More updates to come soon, I promise. :)

6/02/04: Lots of updates! The Wallpapers section has finally been added, with four great wallpapers. A new picture (an animation this time) was added to the Drawings & Photo Manips section, and a new fanfic, "Actions Speak Louder Than Words" was added to the Fanfics section. More updates to come in the following days.

5/27/04: The Links page has been added, the fanfic links on the Fan Fiction page have been fixed, and two new fics by BethV have been added. Image galleries for The Nox, Brief Candle, Thor's Hammer, and Torment of Tantalus have also been added.

5/20/04: The main Fan Art page has been added, along with the Drawings & Photo Manips and Humorous Captions sections. There's not much in there right now, just one pic each in the two sections. If you have a pic you'd like to contribute, please email it to me and I'll be happy to add it.

5/16/04: Image galleries for The Broca Divide, The First Commandment, and Cold Lazarus have been added. Links to a couple of my fics on the Fan Fiction page are broken; I haven't gotten a chance to add the fics yet, but I will soon. I'm going on a business meeting on Wednesday, so I hope to work a bit more on the site before then.

5/14/04: Starting in July, Creation Entertainment is hosting the Official Stargate Convention Tour. The tour will take place in Burbank, CA, Chicago, and the Meadowlands (NJ). Michael Shanks, Amanda Tapping, Chris Judge, Don S. Davis, Teryl Rothery and Tony Amendola are among the guests scheduled to appear. See this site for details. I'll be attending the Meadowlands convention myself in August and have the opportunity to meet both Michael and Amanda (I'm REALLY excited!). I will post a full report and pictures after I get back.

As of today, only the Episode Galleries and Fanfiction pages are up (well, and this page too, obviously). I hope to work more on the site this weekend.