
Welcome to this story I wrote after having a dream one night. It's called "Rememberance", and it's not completely finished, I'll add chapters as I write them. For now, I'll write in here what I can, enjoy!


w00T! I put up a lot of songs. There is Bus, Cherry Hedgehog, Knife Prty Cover, Old, Outlines, and Samantha. That's a lot. Now I just needa load them into the listo thing.....


Yes yes y'all. I lied when i said i'd keep those links. i deleted it, lost forever. I also deleted some stuff and added whatever, look around. I also added 2 songs, Worn and Left and Prepared. Love it.




List Whatnot


Mech Drawing I found this pick on the phorums at Penny-Arcadedotcom and colored it in.

Le Portal Why, who's that strapping young lad? That's me!

Look at the guestbook thing, homes!
Write some stuff in my book, fo shizel!