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Welcome to the Power Rangers Saga! This is the newest, Power Rangers website on the net! The Saga was created, to give Power Rangers Fans a better look into the series. Soon the Saga will feature Mighty Morphin Power Rangers-Power Rangers Wild Force! If you have any questions, you can contact me at . -CubeRanger


 Headline News

     Last Updated June 13, 2002

There's a storm on the horizion!

TYep! That's right, the tenth year, and eleventh season of Power Rangers is called Power Rangers Ninja Storm. This year's power rangers will be using Super Sentai 2002's Hurricanger. It's all thanks to Ray Calderon from Power Rangers Central for getting us this information, thanks Ray you're the best!


Three rebellious students are the last ones remaining at their ninja academy after evil aliens attack the Earth. With mankind at the brink of destruction, the fate of the world lies in the hands of these unlikely heroes. Their ninja master teaches them to harness ancient mystical energies that transforms them into Power Rangers.


Red Ranger, Blue Ranger, Yellow Ranger, Red Shadow Ranger, and Blue Shadow Ranger


The yellow ranger is a male, and the blue ranger is a female. The series is set to air on either ABC or ABC Family. According to various rumors across the net, this Power Rangers Series might auctually be filmed in another country!

  More rumored returns for the Power Rangers Tenth Season Anniversary Episode Reunion!

As many of you already know, Power Rangers is currently running in it's tenth season, and a lot of reports have been coming in that there is going to be a reunion special, with past Power Rangers returning for one last time. The return of Jason David Frank, (Tommy) has been confirmed by both his Fan Club President, and his Acting Agency. Another confirmed return comes from the actor himself Paul Schier (Bulk) " Jason Narvy and myself will be appearing in an upcoming episode of kidding.
Thought we'd come back and put a final hoo-rah on our beloved wacky characters. I think old fans will enjoy one last wink and B&S...before we fade away forever. (Well, I guess one can never say forever, can one?) Although I cannot divulge any specific details on our reappearance, I
can say there might be some other old faces in the crowd...maybe. :) "

The previous paragraph was said by Paul himself, who most of us know played Bulk. 

 This information has not been confirmed by my sources yet, but this was posted at the Power Rangers Newsgroup by PrometheusUFO.

This comes from JDF's Fan Club Yahoo Group:

The special is the RED RANGERS only.
All the red rangers from years past are
returning. Austin St.John, Jason David Frank, Sean
Johnson, etc.....
Amy Jo Johnson is NOT returning to power rangers.
The anniversary special is only the red rangers.

It was in reply to this hoax webpage on the reunion:

 When we asked SamuraiPrinceXR, who posts regularly about this Red Rangers Only, show this is what he said... "SamuraiPrinceXR: I think  it`ll be a majority of reds and girls"

The episode has been rumored to be titled "Forever Red"

We will keep you updated on the latest developements on the Power Rangers Reunion which is set to air on ABC Family October 5, 2002!

The teamup has already been filmed, and we have lots of new to tell you! First of all, this comes from Erin Cahill's official website-

"I have been told that Erin shot less footage than her fellow Time Force co-stars, however, I have also been told that Erin's role, as Jen, will be quite pivotal. She also sports a new hairstyle and attire, which is somewhat reminiscent of Lara Croft from Tomb Raider. I can tell you first-hand that it is incredible! When I have more information that I am able to share, I will most certainly do so." -Information provided by Erin Cahill Online

The returning villains have been rumored to be suprisingly Ransik and Nadira, and if they don't have a good explanation this return will blow the Time Force Finale to pieces!

We'll keep you updated on the latest coverage!

The Power Rangers Chronicles!

The latest fanfiction series "The Power Rangers Chronicles, currently being written by our best fanfiction writers. The Power Rangers Chronicles is a Plot Hole fill story. We need your help, and we need to know which plotlines you want filled in! LET US KNOW NOW! You can e-mail our writers at !



These two pictures were provided by  Danny Torres, and were scanned from a 1994 Disney Adventures Issue. Both Pages, are a interview with the original five Power Rangers and are worth a look! Click here  to view page one, and click here  to view page two!

Thanks Danny!

June 13, 2002 Updates
Updates 1

* Updated Schudule

* Updated Main Page with news



Updates 2


Updates 3




June 15. 2002 8:30 am eastern 7:30 c/p


The Tornado Spin



Power Rangers Wild Force Fridays 8: 30 am eastern 7:30 am c/p


Power Rangers Time Force

Mon-Thrus  8:00-9:00 am eastern 7:30 c/p


The Best of Power Rangers

Sundays  7:00-9:00 am eastern 6:00 c/p

Honey I Shrunk the Rangers Pt 1 & 2

Passing the Torch Pt 1 & 2





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The Power Ranger Saga's Main Page was designed by Wild Force X