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Planet Skaro > Reviews > Doctor Who: The Legacy
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Doctor Who: The Legacy

To read each story, click on the banner at the top of the review

Kuang Shi: Chapter One - reviewed by Elizabeth Medeiros and Paul Clement

Kuang Shi: Chapter Two - reviewed by Paul Clement and Elizabeth Medeiros

Kuang Shi: Chapter Three - reviewed by Paul Clement and Elizabeth Medeiros

Kuang Shi: Chapter Four - reviewed by Elizabeth Medeiros and Paul Clement

The Mirror and the Pomegranate: Chapter One - reviewed by Elizabeth Medeiros and Paul Clement

The Mirror and the Pomegranate: Chapter Two - reviewed by Elizabeth Medeiros and Paul Clement

The Mirror and the Pomegranate: Chapter Three - reviewed by Elizabeth Medeiros and Paul Clement

The Collector: Chapter One - reviewed by Elizabeth Medeiros and Paul Clement

The Collector: Chapter Two - reviewed by Elizabeth Medeiros and Paul Clement

The Collector: Chapter Three - reviewed by Elizabeth Medeiros and Paul Clement

The Collector: Chapter Four - reviewed by Elizabeth Medeiros and Paul Clement

Ruins of Self, Part the First: Chapter One - reviewed by Elizabeth Medeiros and Paul Clement

Ruins of Self, Part the First: Chapter Two - reviewed by Elizabeth Medeiros and Paul Clement

Ruins of Self, Part the First: Chapter Three - reviewed by Elizabeth Medeiros and Paul Clement

Ruins of Self, Part the Second: Chapter Four - reviewed by Sally Wiget and Paul Clement

Ruins of Self, Part the Second: Chapter Five - reviewed by Sally Wiget and Paul Clement

Ruins of Self, Part the Second: Chapter Six - reviewed by Sally Wiget and Paul Clement

Ruins of Self, Part the Second: Chapter Seven - reviewed by Sally Wiget and Paul Clement

Tiger's Eye: Chapter One - reviewed by Elizabeth Medeiros and Paul Clement

Tiger's Eye: Chapter Two - reviewed by Elizabeth Medeiros and Paul Clement

Click Here to read Andrew Orton's reviews of The Legacy on the offical site