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Multiplayer Strategies
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Halo Friends

Halo in West Georgia

Basically, this site started when I was obsessed with multiplayer Halo. I was avidly searching for tournaments in my area, West Georgia, to no avail. I then was struck with the idea "Why not be the nice guy and help everybody with my dilema." Thus, the website is born.
Please take all the poles on the site, there are five of them, just hit refresh a few times to get all of them.

My Team (4 Man)

In case your interested, here's a quick rundown of my 4 man team.

  • Phil (PHATphil)- This is me. I'm a bit trigger happy, so don't get in my way. My specialties are Damnation and Boarding Action. I usually carry a pistol and a shotgun.

  • John (PHATjohn)- My bro John. Master of Wizard and Derilict, he weilds a pistol and plasma rifle. Very offensive, I have yet to find a way to counter his style.

  • Dave (razorrx7)- One of the best players in the state, he is an offensive genius. With the ability to hatch any strategy against any team, he is nearly invincible.

  • Josh (LUCAS)- Can anyone say sniper? This kid has the eyes of a hawk and is deadly accurate. You don't want to play him at Sidewinder.

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    (My two man team)

  • Phil (PHATphil)- Plays differently on a two man team. How do I put it...DOMINATELY. Opposition is usually crushed. I mean, they go home crying. Still the same strengths, I just use the pistol a little more.

  • John (PHATjohn)- Plays the same as 4 man team. Same strenghts, same weaknesses...none. Should be accounted for at all times and is constantly a threat.

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