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Hello and welcome to my Xena site. Please take some time to look around a little. Thanks for stopping, and I hope you come again soon!


June 24, 2002: Hi! Sorry it's been so long! But a lot has been happening. Plus my computer quit a while ago and we had to take a whole bunch of stuff off of it. One thing that came off was the thing that I viewed pictures in and resized them in and stuff like that. Sadly, now I can't resize pictures, so I'll have to find some other way of making picture links. But I've found one thing that I could do to make this site better, add some music! So I've added some music to all the main pages. I don't want to give you guys a headache by putting some on every page! Sadly, I couldn't find any Xena based ones, but I'm still looking. The music ranges from theme songes (Casper and Angel)to rock (DC Talk's Jesus Freak) and classical (Greensleeves and Fur Elise). With the songs there's a link, so if you would like to hear more songs just check out the link! Well please give me feedback in the guestbook on the new features! I'll try to add stuff as I can. Sadly no more picture galleries because I don't have a resizer, but maybe I'll get a new computer someday! *hopefully!* I hope everyone is having a nice summer!


March 16, 2002: Hello again! I'm very proud of myself! I kept my word and did some more updating tonight! hehe...well here's what I did: I finished my Kevin Smith tribute page! I've added a new Kevin pictorial, 2 new thoughts, and 2 poems on his death. Everything about that can be accessed throught the Kevin Smith Memorial link. And the peoms are in the fanfic part, but there's a link in the memorial too. I've also added a new Xena pic, so check that out. And a guestbook! So now I don't have to ask you to e-mail me when I'm asking for feedback! PLEASE sign it! I would really appricate it! That's all for tonight! I'm not sure what I have left to add right away. I need to search for some pictures for my next project: a Lucy and Renee gallery! That sould be coming sometime! Oh, and Thanks to Orly for sending me such nice pictures to add! And to Sarah, with her very large Ares/Kevin Smith picture collection that she's given me. The tribute page would have never been done, or looked as nice without her!! Thanks so much you too! Wow that got long! But I'm done now! Night.


March 15, 2002: Hi all! Wow! It's been over a month since my last updates! Sorry bout that! School and the sudden flood of e-mails has kept me busy! But never fear, it's the weekend! Tonight I've added 6 more Kevin Smith montages and his filmography. My Kevin Smith tribute is almost complete! Just a few more details to add. I hope to work more on the site this weekend, but as time goes, don't hold me on my word! And plesae, I LOVE feedback, so please give me some! I still need to get an address book! Hope you enjoy looking around!:)


Feburary 19th, 2002: Hello Everyone! Tonight I've continued working on the Kevin Smith Memorial. I've added all the thoughts on Kevin's death I've recieved and another article. I hope everyone enjoys!:) Thanks for stopping!


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