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New Tahlequah Government

The New Tahlequah government is made up of a Great Council, consisting of 3 groups.  

The Land Protectors are the equivalent of the Native American Tribal Chief. They are the protectors of the land, and have sworn to defend it, the Land Holders, and the Land Workers with their life. They have a hereditary seat on the council. The Land Protectors are not permitted to maintain their seat while on active military service, this is to maintain a separation of the military and the government. If they are the representative Land Protector of their House they must either appoint a Regent or the next oldest heir will assume the seat. They are responsible for the safety of all districts of New Tahlequah. As Protectors they hold the most power. 

The Land Holders are the managers of the the land. Their seats on the Council are dependent on how large the area is they mange. For example, an area 500 acres would be one representative, 1000 would be two, etc. Foreman, Lead Handlers, etc usually fill these seats. Their votes have the least power, as they are dependent on the other two houses. 

The Land Workers actually work the land. That would include farming, animal husbandry, etc. Their seats on the council are determined by popular vote. There are 2 representatives per district. The land workers are the second most powerful, as they have the most votes.  

The Chief of the Great Council is elected by popular vote of all three groups, and serves a 10 year term, or until a majority vote of "No Confidence" by the 3 groups takes place.

If a vote of “No Confidence” is posted by majority by all 3 groups the Great Chief will be removed, and a new one elected.

For a bill to become law it must be passed by majority from all three groups, however a two-thirds majority by two groups can over ride a third.

New Tahlequah Special Forces

Major General Damek Yonoguska(NTMC) Bio


New Tahlequah Marine Corps 1St MEF

New Tahlequah Legal System