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My first fanfiction page, even though it didn't have many stories on it, had alot of explaining and writing. So, since I didn't want that page to take forever to load and to get clutter there. I made this page. So, everything is the same here, check this stuff out.

Between Battle Lines

By Alice and Kaylei

This story isn't JC, just a little something I had sparked in my mind. Natasha, a 15 year old half french-german girl is the daughter of an accomplished spy. But things take a turn on their small ship, she discovers the secret. Now on the Enterprise, the whole plan is revealed to her.

The Federation needs information on the Romulans. And there is only one reason why they would need it,


Now Natasha along with the Enterprise and surprise appearance by Voyager need to stop the oncoming war.

To be Continued. . .

Love Lost

Lauren, a very new character that belongs to me is introduced here. 

Her parents are Chakotay and Seven of nine. But the marriage came in a strange circumstance, Voyager found a way home in the delta quadrant. But one person had to stay behind. Kathryn took the responsibility and was stuck in the delta quadrant forever. But she had successfully launched Voyager back home. Later on, she found a way back herself.

 But now, Lauren's parents are dead and Starfleet is corrupted. She's on the run and hunting someone down. Kathryn Janeway. She seeks revenge for her parents because it was another person close to the former captain that brought the downfall of everything.

To be Continued. . .

Caf or Decaf? That is the Question

A short cute drabble-type story. Chakotay thinks that his captain consumes too much caffine. What does she think about it? No way! So Chakotay comes up with a plan. . .

If You Dig Deeper, You Just Might Find It

Another short, cute drabble-type story. Mind you, these are all loosely JC based. So the Captain and her crew are back from the Delta Quadrant. Then she loses her presentation report to the Admirals. "OH NO!" What'll she do? As usual, Chakotay strides in, but this time whispers something in her ear.

A Funny Thought

Another cute, short drabble-type story. What is this?! Drabble Sect? Never Mind. This one is about J/C, loosely once again. This time in Tom's view. Has some funny things, he doesn't mean to offend you though, just so you know.

Mama Kate-PG

By Pecosa

When Voyager is destroyed, it's the children and captain that are the only survivors. Needing to make a new home for themselves, Captain Janeway is now no longer a captain, but a mother. . .Mama Kate.