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Welcome to the WORLD OF NEVER ENDING STORIES. This sight will be undergoing a lot of Major changes so bare with us, Ok now here is how the world will be devided up.

The Largest Island in the world is Middle earth this is were you shall meet many cool peoples like elves and Hobbits ect.

The next part and it makes up more then half of this world is the Black Ocean, most of the Black Ocean is uncharted and undiscovered so their is no telling what kind of creatures live in it's deepths

Next part is a fairly small Island known as the Island of the Unknown, and it is exactly that Unknown, nobody knows what lives in it, and no body that has travled to it has ever made it out alive

Presto Island,the newest discovered Island, it is the smallest out of all the Islands, it is a very mystical place and by far the most dangerous

There is also a small undiscovered isl, Catopia, it is inhabitied intirly by "Cat" people, and is located off the coast of Middle Earth

And the last part of this world is the Lost Contenint, this rather large area is not quiet as big as middle earth but it is fairly large, anyhoo the creatures that live in this area are mostly mystical creatures, Dragons, Centaurs, Unicorns as long as It's a mystical creature, it lives here

Also Enter Raf's Anime Paradise, where you'll find loads of cool and unusual things. Enjoy the Vacation.

Well I think that about does explaining the areas so I hope you have fun exploring.


The Powers that Be

Explore your World:

Middle Earth: This area is a list of all the registered Members of Middle Earth.

The Black Ocean: This dreadfuly amazing, and utterly dangerous place, has a lot of secreats to those who wish to seek them out

The Island of the Unknown : A mysterious place, full of unexplanable things, It is said no traveler has ever made it out alive.

The Lost Contenint: An area of Mystics, each mystical creature from Centuars, to Dragons, living in harmony and getting along...most of the time.

Presto Island: Presto Island even thought it is small it is the most dangerous anything can happen in this mystical place, and those who dare live in this strange and often frightning relm, suffer many hardships.Enter at your own risk.

Presto Island: Records:The Presto Island Records are a number of documents that was discovered somewhere on the island that depicted the life a few amazing individuals

Raf's Anime Paradise: An Area of Phenomenal Spectaculars, an area of Mystery. Enjoy your Vacation.

Catopia: A small undiscovered Isl. off of Middle earth, it is intirly over run by "cat" people.

Other World Links: A one way trip to various other worlds

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