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The Maquis Reading List


I’ve recently begun putting together a list of my favorite J/C and Voyager fiction. These are stories that I consider a “must” read. Check back from time to time because this page is a work in progress.



Some of these stories are rated NC17 and are for adults only. You will see the rating on the author's page. If you're too young to read those then cover your eyes and hit the back button!


Survivor's Epitaph by Morgan Stuard

Set in late third season, the crew of Voyager comes face to face with a fate they narrowly avoided at the hands of the Viidians.


Revisionist History by EJ

Fifty years after Voyager's return, Jake Sisko tries to find the truth about Janeway, Chakotay and the events surrounding their homecoming.


Pre-Emptive Strike by EJ

Endgame addon. What it lacks in logic, it makes up in vindictiveness.


Moving Closer To The Heart Of The Sun by Katane

Post Endgame, making sense of the nonsensical


The Journey Comes Full Circle by SuzieQ2

Putting right what once went wrong


The Museum by Jemima

Ever seen City on the Edge of Forever? It's kind of like that, but not really.


Bitten by Ralkana

Voyager’s mining party runs into some trouble planetside, and what follows forces Kathryn to confront some things she’d rather not.


The Wisdom Of Her Years by KJ

Rating NC17 An Au revolving around the events in Endgame. The Admiral has learned some valuable personal lessons through the years and she intends to teach them to her younger self. Of course she plans on enjoying herself along the way.


Slatted Light by Claudia

NC17 A romantic PWP on the holodeck


Only Human by Brianna

What might have happened if Janeway had done her job and checked up on the gravimetric array that Seven said she trying to develop on the holodeck in Human Error?


Prisons by christinecgb

Rating: NC – 17 for violence and rather nasty images. In an alternative universe Janeway arrests the Maquis and Chakotay ends up in a prison on Cardassia.


Taken By Force by Savant

Rated NC17 Contrary to the title, this is not a full-fledged 'rape' story. It's my take on what might have happened in the conference room during Repression between Kathryn and Chakotay, before he brought her in to face Tuvok holding a phaser...


Feral by Mandy

Rating:NC17 A leather-clad Chakotay and Kathryn stage their own "uprising" Pure Smut!


The Other Side Of The Wall by Melissa

A response to a suggestion on JetC12 to tell the story of what would happen if one of our favorite duo was to take up with someone else.


Observations and Lessons by Sheri

NC17 Pure smut silliness, meant for nothing else but to torture poor Seven.


Loving by Mary S

NC17 A hot PWP


Lessons In Vacationing 101 by Kat and Kadi

NC17 Kathryn is forced into accompanying the Senior Staff on a shoreleave excursion, but isn't happy about it, nor is she happy about the moves Chakotay has decided to make on her...but she's willing to do anything to beat a sarcastic Paris at his own game.


Sex Drive by JinnyR

NC17 A dark and stormy night, a lonely country road...


If you have a "must" read J/C or Voyager story you think should be on this list, please send me a link and I'll give it a read.


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