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Throughout the course of battling in Golderon you will encounter many obstacles. Those of which can effect you in many ways. There are attacks that can stun you making you loose a designated amount of life per turn. There are moves that can alter the battlefield in which you stand on forcing you into another dimension of combat. Whatever the case may be here is a list of all of our elemental effects. Some can be countered, and some cannot be. But for those that can be countered whether or not you study this guide will determine the possibilities of you defeating your opponent if this situation ever occurs.

  • Earth Status - Earth elemental attacks have the abillity to Paralyze you for a designated amount of time during battle. During the time that you are paralyzed you are still able to attack your opponent. But there are some instances that your attack may fail and is then reflected back at you. Earth can be countered by (Fire).

  • Wind - Wind elemental status is basicle defined as the force of motion. Wind elemental attacks have the abillity to hurl objects at the users opponent or in some cases hurl opponents accross the battlefield. Wind can be countered by (Earth).

  • Fire - Fire elemental attacks have the abillity to inflict burn on the users opponent. Burn is a status effect that cause the users opponent to loose hp over a period of time. Fire can be countered by (Water).

  • Water -

  • Dimension -

  • Spirit -

  • Energy -

  • Light -

  • Dark -

  • Sonic (sound) -

  • Psionics (telekenetics or TK) -

  • Chaos -