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The MacMINT Asylum

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Highlander Pictures
Archived Dreambook
Name: HonorH, PC #105
E-mail address: honorh_macspam@yahoo.com
Comments: They finally threw me in the loony bin. I knew it would happen someday. Never being able to get my mind off Methos, seeing his face everywhere I go, hearing his voice . . . it's a magnificent madness, but madness nonetheless. I deserve to be locked away. Ah, well--at least the wallpaper around here is nice. Now if I could just do something about the voices in my head . . .
Saturday, October 2nd 1999 - 10:22:12 PM
Name: Katie Owens
E-mail address: kit_master45@hotmail.com
Homepage URL: http://www.homestead.com/smdbzpk/main.html
Comments: cool site
Thursday, September 30th 1999 - 06:53:20 PM
Name: Elisabeth Molly
E-mail address: MollyKazarra@yahoo.com
Comments: :Þ I just joined up last night & I love my new cell, it's so comfy cozy. I think I'm really gonna like it here.... :) The site's great. I'll be sure to visit often. Oh, wait. Nevermind. I'm already here. Stuck. In my new straightjacket. Such a pretty white.... Teeheeheehee.....
Wednesday, May 19th 1999 - 08:09:11 AM
Name: Athos the little k' fru
E-mail address: ncc1701d@qni.com
Homepage URL: http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/
Comments: Okay. . .so I was wondering around geocities. . . . cause I'm at work and nothing is breaking so. . I can't go fix it when I stumble on to an entry in the neighborhood page that looked a little famialr. . .and poof here I am. So now I think I will stay awhile. . . maybe help jammy tighten straps on some of the inmates. . . .Page looks great jammy!
Buh Bye now!

Monday, May 3rd 1999 - 12:01:39 PM
Name: Alicia,singing Queen to herself in cell#80&testing the padding...
E-mail address: aliciadodson@hotmail.com
Comments: Checking in-I'm on too early; it's slow at the Forums. I'm begining to understand blue frosting...Siva, hurry up with padding those walls so's I can test them!!! Play that Queen music a little louder, please!!! I'm having trouble hearing it way up here...Uh-oh,hyper-drive kicking in; quick, Jam, get my meds!!!! :} ABD
Friday, February 26th 1999 - 04:25:42 PM
Name: The Whipped Cream Goddess
E-mail address: corzine@jps.net
Comments: Does anyone else have trouble reading the Dreambook because of blue printing on blue background? I mean, I like blue very well upon the beautious visage of the Master, but really now. . . Anyway, I am enraptured with all else!!! Smooches
and Swooooshes!
Thursday, February 25th 1999 - 07:28:54 PM
Name: Siva Mac MINT cell #78
E-mail address: amandacory@aol.com
Comments: LOvely work. I like the asylum so far. the foods good, sounds are nice, and the walls are just beautiful. I haven't gotten around to padding the walls yet, but I'll get to it as soon as I get to meet Methos. Where is he anyway? you guys told me he'd be here. Methoooooos Where are you? Hey why do ya got a strait jacket? And why are do you have tranquilizers? Really I'm Just looking!
Wednesday, February 10th 1999 - 04:03:37 PM
Name: Pookkah
E-mail address: Pookkah@aol.com
Homepage URL: http://members.aol.com/pookkah/highlander.html
Comments: Hello! I just thought I'd sign your guestbook, since I've been here before and hadn't. This is a cool website, very neat idea! I really like it! :)
Tuesday, December 22nd 1998 - 02:48:00 AM
Name: Amand-r
E-mail address: deaprsons@earthlink.net
Homepage URL: http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Realm/4172
Comments: What was I thinking? Not signing the guest book! I must be on crack! Or some other mind bending drug...Hey Jammie! I love this place! I love being locked up, in wait for Methos! (No, no, not psycho, me? You know, they say that those who claim they aren't insane usually are...in that case: Yeah! I'm crazy! Froot loopy! Totally Nutso! Take me away!). Okay, I think I'll stop now.. Vote Peter Wingfield! Wingfield for School Board! uh, yeah...
Thursday, November 26th 1998 - 05:47:51 PM
Name: Ste Julien
E-mail address: cnewton@communigate.net
Comments: can you read my blue crayon scrawls? this is so much fun, Jam-wired. thanksthanksthanks. (joejoejoe)
Monday, November 9th 1998 - 08:06:30 PM
Name: deborahc
E-mail address: charlow5@atlantic,net
Comments: Nice place you got here. AP is my idea of masculine perfection, period. But PW is some little cupcake. However, out of all the characters in the HL universe, I feel I identify most closely with Methos. I probably would be practical about staying alive, just like him in similiar situations.
Monday, November 2nd 1998 - 12:24:23 AM
Name: Sunnyhunny
E-mail address: Sunnyhunny@webtv.net
Homepage URL: http://www.zyworld.com/sunnyhunny/
Comments: LMAO! Cool site, had fun visiting. Thanks for stopping by mine. Keep a padded cell open for me, the way this years goin' I could use it! ~Take Care!
Thursday, October 8th 1998 - 10:08:05 AM
Name: Zada
E-mail address: zada@eagnet.com
Homepage URL: http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Shire/4199
Comments: I love this site!!!! thanks for stopping by my site and signing my guestbook. I thought I'd reciprocate and sign yours! I love what you've done here, and hope to see even more as time passes!
Sunday, October 4th 1998 - 12:46:32 PM
Name: Ricki...
E-mail address: whatcher@juno.com
Homepage URL: http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Dreamworld/
Comments: Noticed that you took a looksee at my little webpage - the Immortal Sanctuary. Thought I'd drop you a favor and sign your guestbook. I'm actually afraid that if I wrote you I'd be committed into the asylum, and I'm just fine where I am... ;-) Besides, I'd miss my bedroom with the hundred and one pictures of Methos!!! LOL Thanks for the visit though I needed it!
Sunday, October 4th 1998 - 07:15:04 AM
Name: Star Dancing MacMINT Cell #33
E-mail address: stardancing@webtv.net
Comments: Been here in a cell and forgot to sign the book!! Been too busy checking out the place I guess. This is still the coolest place to be and the greatest clan to be with. Keep up the good work--lots of stuff to read (walls and stuff under the floorboard). My daughters are relieved I am getting help, but think maybe I am getting worse. Isn't that the point?!? LOL.

Star Dancing (Love, Light and Laughter***)
Friday, October 2nd 1998 - 05:53:18 AM
Name: Bright Girl
E-mail address: brightgirl@hotmail.com
Homepage URL: http://members.tripod.com/~MethosRock/
Comments: Hey Jammy! Just came from my guestbook, thanks for dropping by and signing in. I do love your background especially the one here on the guestbook, makes me wanna take a long time writing just to see *his* face =)

But there's not much to say but WHOA, the Asylum's doing real good and you've got so many vic ... err, patients in here now. Ain't it nice to be surrounded with such demented, uh, brilliantly original persons? One of the voices told me to sign in but he got shot. I think there's an assassin in my head. Anyways, keep up the great work!!!


Monday, September 21st 1998 - 02:54:11 AM
Name: GooberPerson
E-mail address: drperson@hotmail.com
Homepage URL: http://www.geocities.com/southbeach/pointe/9379
Comments: heya!! thanx for signing my guest book & thanks for geting your friends to stop by!! it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy to get so many visitors! =) you have been such a big help to me with my page! thanx!! what i have seen so far of
your sight is kewl! heehee!!
Monday, September 21st 1998 - 01:23:41 AM
Name: Tessa of the CMS
E-mail address: tessanoel@bigfoot.com
Homepage URL: http://members.xoom.com/hlraven/main.html
Comments: Cool site. I think all that love Methos "need help". LOL But I'm sure that he will help us "get better" nicely. I did a drawing of Peter you will have to check out. Peter I might be joining the Asylum soon, I think I really do need to be here. :~)
Saturday, September 19th 1998 - 12:31:17 PM
Name: Tess
E-mail address: tess@arvika.mail.telia.com
Homepage URL: http://home.talkcity.com/ChaplinCt/
Comments: Hey there!
Thanks for signing my guestbook! I haven't looked around here yet, but will. See you!
Thursday, September 17th 1998 - 02:05:44 AM
Name: Bookins
E-mail address: ALEXIANNE@prodigy.net
Comments: Finally a place where I can have my fits of hysterics in peace. I have to say that the jacket makes it difficult to give Methos his massages, but I manage. I love this wallpaper!! I love this site!! Keep up the good work!!
Tuesday, September 15th 1998 - 05:06:48 PM
Name: Quink MacFru PC 19
E-mail address: quink101@hotmail.com
Homepage URL: http://www.geocities.com/area51/
Comments: Hi, the asylum is looking great! My family/friends/people in the "real world" have always said I needed to be locked up.
Sunday, September 13th 1998 - 02:17:39 PM
Name: Adri, in padded cell 7
E-mail address: lover.girl@gurlmail.com
Homepage URL: http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Shire.5626
Comments: hi,

Love the page! It looks great! Long live MacMINT! Keep up the good work. :)
Sunday, August 30th 1998 - 07:48:47 PM
Name: immortal_one2(damsel maclaid)(m'lady o' the hilands)
E-mail address: hilands@beachaccess.com
Homepage URL: http://not%20yet!!!/
Comments: glad this thing is finally working! also glad that cell #21 (meanthos) is the keeper of the cd's...i told u that i like 2 play my music extremely loud...this ought 2 work out pretty well...guess u can keep me n cell #22 afterall!
Monday, August 24th 1998 - 06:46:04 PM
Name: Meanthos, Keeper of the Queen & Springsteen CD library
E-mail address: meanthos@erols.com
Comments: Greetings from cell #21. Very cool wallpaper here. Would you mind redecorating my cell like this? I plan on playing Queen CDs pretty loud in my cell...if I could only load the disk with this straight jacket on!
Monday, August 24th 1998 - 05:56:12 PM
Name: JoAnn MacTHIB MacMINT Mac WoW
E-mail address: jkrystofiak0@sm.ivc.cc.ca.us
Comments: Jam-wired!!

From cell#8...MacMINT is great!! Finnally a place where I can be locked up and still enjoy HL and Methos!! Love the wall paper in here by the way! You have put an unbelieveable amount of work into this (and we know many sleepless nights)...I have just one question: can I puhleeeze open the window in here??? I'm chocking on sweater lint again. :)
Monday, August 24th 1998 - 10:18:31 AM
Name: Alaska Man
E-mail address: alaska_man@hotmail.com
Homepage URL: http://members.tripod.com/~theheasleys/
Comments: First time here...kewl site.
Sunday, August 23rd 1998 - 05:46:28 PM
Name: Old Soul
E-mail address: oldsoulbbgl@hotmail.com
Homepage URL: http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Nebula/
Comments: LOL! I love your asylum! What a great idea!
Sunday, August 23rd 1998 - 02:45:58 PM
Name: Andrea L.
E-mail address: albatross@itookmyprozac.com
Homepage URL: http://members.spree.com/waterlily/index.html
Comments: ROTFL!! Love the whole concept, look forward to seeing more!
Sunday, August 16th 1998 - 11:18:26 AM

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© jam-wired. Highlander and its characters are the property of Davis/Panzer Productions, Rysher Entertainment and Gaumont Television. This site is unofficial and should not be viewed by anyone. As of 08.31.03 this site is no longer being updated.