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July, 2003

Posted 7/2/2003 [July Newsletter]

- The MacMINT Asylum July Newsletter, 2003.
In this month's issue:

* Birthdays for July
* Peter Wingfield Interview & Photos
* List to close at end of year

* * *

- Birthdays for July.

07.01 - Christina (PC#51)
07.03 - HonorH (PC#105)
07.04 - Historica7 (PC#40)
07.11 - Katlin Macleod (PC#85)
07.12 - dawn (PC#172)
07.16 - redwing (PC #25)
07.17 - Calista (PC#55)
07.17 - Alexa (PC#177)
07.20 - Calli Arcale (PC#135)
07.21 - Laili (PC#167)
07.22 - Sarah (PC#157)
07.22 - Elonda Salvatore (PC#162)
07.23 - BethCarielle (PC#183)
07.26 - Methos Gurl (PC#97)

Happy birthday to all patients with July birthdays! If your birthday is in July and I missed you, or if your birthday is wrong on this list, please email me to confirm that I have it recorded right. :)

* * *

- Peter Wingfield Interview & Photos.

"Hi, everyone.

"Please feel free to pass this information along to any interested parties.

"There's a new exclusive Peter Wingfield interview available at the Stargate Solutions site. I conducted this interview at Highlander Downunder 5 in Brisbane, Australia last month and owe lots of hugs and thanks to Carmel and Sonja for their assistance in arranging it:


"My Highlander Downunder photo pages are also now ready for viewing. Two whole pages of photos of Peter Wingfield, Jim Byrnes, and James Horan, along with some candid and silly shots out and about the convention, including John Mosby attempting to "murder" his birthday cake!


"The interview is also linked from the photo pages and vice versa. For those of you interested in ordering photo reprints, I'm offering a special deal for all orders received by July 1st (yes, that's only a few days away). Contact me if you're interested.


* * *

- List to close at end of year.

I will no longer post the monthly newsletter beginning January 2004. I may have a vote to see if the list wants to go to a chat-type list or an announcements list for any member but no chat. I haven't decided yet what to do as I'm mainly stopping the monthly posts to give myself more time, and either of these options may make more work for myself (still having to be a list manager). I will archive old messages at the website since non-active Yahoo!groups get deleted. I'd like to thank everyone for their interest in the list and not wanting it to close, but besides wanting to free up my time, I've also lost a lot of interest in Highlander. More updates will come as I decide what to do.

* * *

Join us next month for more clan updates. Same clan time. Same clan channel.

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