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The MacMINT Asylum

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Highlander Pictures
June, 2001

Posted 6/1/2001 [June Newsletter]

- The MacMINT Asylum June Newsletter, 2001.
In this month's issue:

* Birthdays for June
* Peter's Chat with OPJFC
* Episode 5 of the Methos Chronicles

* * *

- Birthdays for June

06.02 - Blaise Lidwina (PC#117)
06.10 - Marguerite Rideout (PC#77)
06.14 - Bobbi Bell (PC#95)
06.15 - Krystal (PC#139)
06.19 - Princess Arsilyn (PC#70)
06.19 - Amatia (PC#143)
06.21 - Nynaeve (PC#53)
06.21 - Sandra from Longview (PC#126)
06.26 - Sorcha Dee (PC#2)
06.26 - Michael (AINT PC#10)
06.26 - Hellkat (PC#101)
06.27 - Karthwynn (PC#109)
06.29 - missy hanff (PC#116)
06.29 - Helen (PC#124)

Happy birthday to all patients with June birthdays! If your birthday is in June and I missed you, or if your birthday is wrong on this list, please email me to confirm that I have it recorded right. :)

* * *

- Peter's Chat with OPJFC

Peter's online chat with the Paul Johansson Online forum has been compiled and is now available online. The transcript can be found directly at http://members.efortress.com/ppearson/P37s00h-Wingfield040201.h tml or from their main site at http://www.pauljohansson.com/ under the "FanClub Archives" link. A brief excerpt from the chat is below.


Thanks so much for joining us here! I was just wondering if you have seen many of the... er... more whimsical sites about you and or your characters? Ever visit the MacMINT (Methos Institute for Neurotic Tipplers) for instance?

PETER (7:21 PM):

Ha ha ha ha ha

No I actually don't tend to look at sites related to me... but I have friends who have visited several very scary places...

Just the look on their faces is enough for me...

* * *

- Episode 5 of the Methos Chronicles

Episodes 5 of The Methos Chronicles is now available online. It can be found directly at http://www.ifilm.com/ifilm/skeletons/film_detail/0,1263,1268230,00 .html or indirectly at http://www.themethoschronicles.net/.

* * *

Join us next month for more clan updates. Same clan time. Same clan channel.

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