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Highlander Pictures
May, 2002

Posted 5/1/2002 [May Newsletter]

- The MacMINT Asylum May Newsletter, 2002.
In this month's issue:

* Birthdays for May
* Message from A Fan Odyssey

* * *

- Birthdays for May.

05.04 - Cheryl (PC#120)
05.06 - Twilight Chimera (PC#132)
05.09 - Artemis (PC#96)
05.10 - Terr Windkin (PC#67)
05.10 - siva (PC#78)
05.13 - Poet Batarda Dareau (PC#149)
05.16 - dwolf (PC#73)
05.18 - Nightengale (PC#44)
05.19 - Christy (PC#138)
05.24 - Canadian Girl (PC#91)
05.24 - Beth Fuller (PC#122)
05.26 - Dischord (PC#150)
05.28 - Nashayla (PC#47)
05.30 - des (PC#136)

Happy birthday to all patients with May birthdays! If your birthday is in May and I missed you, or if your birthday is wrong on this list, please email me to confirm that I have it recorded right. :)

* * *

- Message from A Fan Odyssey.

Permission to repost this message in its entirety.

Since the cancellation of DuendeCon, we've received a number of inquiries about the availability and price of registrations.

We are pleased to announce that we have some registrations remaining.

In addition, the committee has decided to hold the current registration price until May 23rd or registration closes.

We continue to offer special pricing for attendees under 12.

This means that 2002: A Fan Odyssey will continue to be priced less than DuendeCon.

Convention and registration information is available at http://www.onholyground.net/2002con.html.

* * *

Join us next month for more clan updates. Same clan time. Same clan channel.

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