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The MacMINT Asylum

Methos Quotes
Highlander Pictures
February, 2001

Posted 1/31/2001 [February Newsletter]

- The MacMINT Asylum February Newsletter, 2001.
In this month's issue:

* Birthdays for February
* Methos Chronicles on the Net
* Save Queen of Swords
* Highlander to Hit Broadway
* Asylum Announcements

* * *

- Birthdays for February.

02.03 - Highland Gal (PC#90)
02.05 - Rebecca (PC#50)
02.09 - Little Death (PC#141)
02.11 - Desiree (PC#112)
02.18 - Andrea L. (PC#4)
02.21 - Screwball (PC#8)
02.24 - Shaelyn (PC#153)
02.25 - michelle (PC#127)
02.27 - BRANDY (PC#16)
02.28 - Storm MacDrake (PC#30)

Happy birthday to all patients with February birthdays! If your birthday is in February and I missed you, or if your birthday is wrong on this list, please email me to confirm that I have it recorded right. :)

* * *

- Methos Chronicles on the Net.

There has been word of a Methos Chronicles cartoon on the web that will feature Peter Wingfield's voice. The site can be found at http://www.themethoschronicles.net/html/htmlhome.html. The actual cartoon itself will supposedly be at http://www.methoschronicles.com/ and http://www.methoschronicles.net/ -- although there's nothing there now.

Word is Josh Davis, son of Peter Davis, registered the name and is the project head. The "officialness" of the site has been confirmed by a Davis-Panzer representative and also Gillian Horvath on the alt.tv.highlander forum. PWFC has posted that Peter did indeed record the voice for the cartoon. PWFC's online announcement of the cartoon can be found at http://www.pwfc.org/news.shtml.

* * *

- Save Queen of Swords.

I have some bad news. I heard within the last hour or so that Fireworks has decided not to renew Queen of Swords for a second season. This won't be announced officially until next week, but the actors and crew were apparently being told today.

We are not convinced that this is a lost cause, however - as I understand it, the ratings fell short of what Fireworks wanted by just one tenth of a point. We need to inundate Fireworks with letters to convince them to change their decision. Shows have been brought back from the dead in the past, we can do it now.

But we need to write NOW. Write a letter from your home and from your job. Get your brother, your mother, your cousin, to write. Fireworks is in Canada, so the stamp will be 60c from the US, but if you want the show to have any chance of returning, it needs to be done. If you truly can't afford it, then e-mail them. Or better yet, do both. And do it now.

Fireworks Entertainment
111 George St., 3rd floor
Toronto, Ontario
Canada M5A 2N4
416.360.4321 tel
416.364.4388 fax

Even if we don't succeed, the actors will hear about your support of them and the show.

Please forward this message wherever you think it may do some good. Thanks.

Gillian Eldridge

- - -

If you would like others to contribute, you can direct them to http://www.geocities.com/simlady/Queen.htm.

* * *

- Highlander to Hit Broadway.

The #72 issue of SFX (Christmas 2000) has an article with Bill Panzer:

HIGHLANDER TO HIT BROADWAY Exclusive! Even after Highlander IV was panned, a musical headchopping fantasy is planned

The limp critical response to the fourth and apparently final Highlander feature film, Highlander: Endgame, was thought by many to have sounded the death knell for the sword-swinging franchise; but executive producer Bill Panzer has revealed plans for three new Highlander projects to re-energize the series mythos for a new audience...

[Snipped for copyright reasons.]

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- Asylum Announcements.

There's really only one in this case: the new web site has been uploaded. Check it out when you get the chance. :)

* * *

Join us next month for more clan updates. Same clan time. Same clan channel.

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© jam-wired. Highlander and its characters are the property of Davis/Panzer Productions, Rysher Entertainment and Gaumont Television. This site is unofficial and should not be viewed by anyone. As of 08.31.03 this site is no longer being updated.