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Highlander Pictures
December, 2000

Posted 11/30/2000 [December Newsletter]

- The MacMINT Asylum December Newsletter, 2000.
In this month's issue:

*Birthdays for December
*Status of the Asylum's Web Site
*Peter in Print
*Peter on Television

* * *

- Birthdays for December.

12.02 - Bj McKay (PC#62)
12.04 - Kassain (PC#145)
12.08 - Red Hunter (AINT PC#2)
12.13 - Rebecca Isais (PC#107)
12.16 - Timber (PC#115)
12.17 - bkwrm (PC#23)
12.18 - Robin Hinsdale (PC#130)
12.20 - The Ignorant Savage (PC#140)
12.22 - Caitlin (PC#125)
12.25 - Shadowlight (PC#152)
12.28 - Sailor Mars (PC#83)
12.29 - Campbell (PC#6)
12.31 - Johanna aka Lady Nightmare (PC#37)

Happy birthday to all patients with December birthdays! If your birthday is in December and I missed you, or if your birthday is wrong on this list, please email me to confirm that I have it recorded right. :)

* * *

- Status of the Asylum's Web Site.

Many of you may have noticed that the Asylum is temporarily down. I'm redoing the layout and graphics; deleting all of the old stuff at the Asylum was just another part that I needed to get done. The new site won't be up for a couple of months, so until then, please bear with me. Thanks!

* * *

- Peter in Print.

From: "Adam Methos"
Subject: Another Wingfield Mag

"The #13 issue of Expose has previews of all genre shows this season. They have two articles on Queen of Swords. One is a one page run-down of what the show is about and what's coming up this season. The other is a four-page interview with Tessie Santiago. Their correspondent attended the same press conference as everyone else because most of her quotes were familiar to me from reading other articles on Queen of Swords. Peter is mentioned but not quoted.

"The main reason to buy this is because of the full page, full color cast photo -- of the various cast photos, it's the one where Dr. Helm is sitting but everyone else is standing. "This is the nicest (and biggest) one that I've yet seen in the various magazines."


The #76 issue of Dreamwatch has an article with Peter speaking about Queen of Swords, Highlander and Stargate. There are a few small pictures included with the article.

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- Peter on Television.

Peter will supposedly be reuniting with Jim Byrnes on First Wave as Dr. Rook.

* * *

Join us next month for more clan updates. Same clan time. Same clan channel.

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