Title: ALWAYS (1/1) Author: Lynn Saunders Email: lynnsaundersfanfic@hotmail.com Distribution: Gossamer, of course. Anywhere else too, but please email me and let me know where so I can visit! Rating: NC-17 for sexual situations Classification: SR - Mulder/Scully Spoilers: none Keywords: Mulder/Scully Romance Summary: They will be there for each other. Always. Submission Date: 05-24-02 Author's Notes: There are no names used in this story. However, I was focusing on a Mulder/Scully relationship when I wrote it. Feedback: Please let me know what you think! Struggling veterinary students need self-esteem! lynnsaundersfanfic@hotmail.com Disclaimer: The characters of Mulder and Scully are the property of Chris Carter and 1013. A break from work is the only thing I am gaining from writing fan fiction. ALWAYS (1/1) Lynn Saunders ...The tears came- and they didn't stop. Waves of tears. An eternity of them- surrounding him, smothering him. And he would have drowned in them. Would have most certainly drowned if she hadn't been there. His anchor. Always. Damn it. It was always like this. She was always like this. Always helping him, comforting him, holding him, steadying him. He was lost and she always pulled him back. No matter what. No excuses. Completely and utterly there for him. Always. And it made him sick inside. Sick that he could never help her the way she helped him. Could never save her the way she saved him. Could never need him the way he needed her. Impossible. Inconceivable. And yet she was always there. Just there. And he felt guilty. Guilty that he could not give it back to her. She would not accept it. She would always comfort him. She never seemed in need of comfort. Never tired of his childish behavior. Always welcomed him back into her arms- into her bed. No matter how he had behaved. No matter how badly he wanted her to hate him. No matter how much he wanted her to see that she deserved so much more. But she wouldn't hear of it. It always seemed to amaze her when he suggested such a thing. As if no one could ever be as good as him for her. And no one was. He knew this too- somewhere in the back of his mind. He knew how much he was loved and how much he loved her. No one could ever love her as much as he did. No one could match his intensity and utter devotion. Infatuation, really. He needed her, though. Desperately. And she was always there. Never judgmental. Always listening to him and comforting him. His thoughts swam. And she let him release them as he wept a salty river onto her shoulder and clutched her close- almost to the point of discomfort. He would always need her. Always. There was no other word to express it. And she would always be here. Always. They both knew it- both accepted their roles. Both loved and labored, each knowing that the other was there as a shield. To protect. To love. Always. - - - - - - He awoke refreshed from his outburst. Her naked body was still curled around him- as much as possible considering their difference in size. Her face was nuzzled against his chest, arms wrapped completely around him, legs draped across him. Her auburn hair shielded his left shoulder and her breath warmed his body. He gathered her closer, embracing her gently. Smelling her hair, kissing her forehead. And when she roused slightly, he pulled her up on top of him and took a breast into his mouth, suckling gently. He felt her body arch into his, begging for more of his touch. He ran his hands to the backs of her knees and pulled up so that soon she was straddling him on her knees. He slowly worked his way down her body, caressing every part of her in his path. This was his penance, his prayer, his hope, his dream, his desire, his life. Always. To make her happy. To bring her to ecstacy, to give her life. To watch her as he made her peak and settle. To hold her afterwards in a warm embrace. To show her how much he loved her. There were no words. Always. His mouth met her core and he heard her small sigh. Slowly, he bathed her. Long strokes. Then circles. Then side swipes. More circles. He noticed that she was having more difficulty controlling her vocalizations. More long strokes earned him a low moan... and when he slipped his tongue inside he heard her imploring whimper. Yes, he knew what she needed. What she wanted. And he would give it to her. Always. Because she belonged to him and he to her. Always. Slowly, he broke contact and rose to his knees behind her. He watched her look back at him with an undescribably loving expression, made even more irresistible by the sly smile gracing her lips. This was the best for her, he knew. Her favorite way to experience him. He would give it to her the way she needed, the way she wanted. He moved his hands to her hips, pleased by her encouraging moan. He positioned himself behind her and began exploring her folds with his hardness, feeling her arch toward him as he contacted her swollen nub. He felt her wiggle her hips slightly and he eased back to her opening, parting her flesh slightly with his. Reaching up, he ran his fingers from the base of her neck down her spine all the way to her tailbone and then circled his fingers in front of her, seeking her swollen flesh. He earned a gasp, and she slid herself down his length, allowing him to fill her completely. He moved slowly first, taking one long drag out to the tip, then plunging back into her. She was so small that he covered her completely when he bent over her to kiss the back of her neck. This was why she liked it this way, he knew. She was completely enveloped- surrounded by him. He was able to grind into her core- to the spot that would eventually make her scream, while at the same time he was tall enough to reach her mouth and kiss her, to twine his fingers with hers as they supported their combined weight. Complete partnership. Always. Soon she was writhing beneath him, meeting his forward strokes with backward ones of her own. Her breath was short and hard. And then she started talking to him. She always did. No matter how serious or light the mood had been when they started, she told him things before she came. The subject varied, but it never ceased to amaze him that she could form rational thoughts so close to orgasm. It made him even more in awe of her. Tonight, she began describing his eyes. How they warmed her from across the room. How they often betrayed what he was feeling and thinking. How she hoped their children would have his eyes. How she never tired of looking at them. How she found the small wrinkles around them, subtle signs of his age, so very sexy. And then she peaked and soared. The vibrations began as her walls clamped around him and then the wave spread through her body. He continued to push into her, letting her feel his constant presence throughout her release. A few more thrusts and he followed her to ecstacy. - - - - - - The rising sun illuminated the sleeping couple with its soft rays. A man and woman so hopelessly intertwined, so very much in love with one another, so dependent on one another, and yet so strong in their own right. Brought together to support each other, to love each other, to be with each other. Always. - - - - - - END - - - - - - lynnsaundersfanfic@hotmail.com