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Don't really have one...
George Cooper
New Management
So much going on...
Y'all knew it was coming-
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George's Happy Place
Friday, June 16, 2006
And They're OFF!!!
Mood:  rushed
Now Playing: Hmmm... Dunno. But I'll tell you when I do, promise.
Topic: So much going on...
The Heorotian Olympics are now in full swing! I'm partnered with Setite, and boy am I glad. If it weren't for her I'd fall disasterously behind. I have no Locate ability, Charisma of only the first degree, no Surprise tactics, and am not at all rich. In fact, quite the opposite. So whatever angel is watching out for my easily bruised ego, thanks!

It also helps that I like her. Friendly, quick-witted, funny, and a loyal and true friend, Setite is someone I have always respected. I like to win. A lot. The only thing I like more than winning, though, is winning with a friend.

I wonder who's going to win. I also wonder whether it will be us. It had better be. We're already working our asses off. More like Setite directing me where to go, then us both working our asses off, since I suck at directions, but thus far she's an awesome leader. Never once has she made me feel stupid because I couldn't do or didn't know something. I have nothing but growing admiration for her skills and conduct.

Moving away from the Olympics, my human, George, just got a job. Her first job ever that she is considered an employee of an well recognized company, Ralphs Grocery Store, and through that, Kroger. She works at least 5 days a week, generally four hours daily, and has worked up until 8:30 at night before. Man is she cranky when she gets home, though. She says she likes her job, but if this is her liking her job, I'd hate to see her not like her job...

It might be that she spends all of her shift on her feet, bagging groceries, collecting carts, and facing liquor (her favorite thing, since it's the freezy aisle and she can cool off- oh, and because she wants to follow in my, G$'s, footsteps...). She often times doesn't take her break until 7 or 8 at night, since it's too busy to up until then. But, at least everyone is nice to her. She's starting to think of them as a sort of extended family- especially Scott, Logan (her unofficial mentor, or rather tormentor) and Bailee, who's just about George's age. I'm also glad she likes her boss, Angel, who she says is really nice and funny- though she thinks he should slow down once in a while...

Well, that be all for not. I'll try to be better at updateing more often, y'all, okay? I promise.

Posted by scifi2/lkh_books at 6:24 PM PDT
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Monday, January 16, 2006
Guess Who's Back, Back Again...
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: Riddle Me This, Riddle Me That...
Topic: Don't really have one...
Weeell... Long time no talk. Y'see, George has taught me recently of the precarious art of channel-surfing. I find it a facinating passtime, and have stumbled onto some real keepers. I discovered a show last year called House that is about an abraisive doctor who solves cases that seem clear cut and easy enough to diagnose, until the treatment fails or secondary symptoms occur. Then House is called back in to figure out what the new symptons are indicative of. George doesn't like it, she says there's too much blood and that it makes her naseaus to watch the internal surgery scenes, but I don't have a problem with them so I tell her when she can stop covering her eyes and watch again. Another show is Pimp My Ride, about some guys who take regular cars and turn them into works of art to make anyone green with envy. I'm thinking of starting Pimp My Office, and decking out offices for the hell of it. I think it would be a blast. Hopefully Creide will let me start with hers! :D

George is now living entirely with her mother, her father only barely in the picture (though she did finally establish an unspoken and uneasy truce with she-who-shall-not-be-named). While this leaves her in a much better frame of mind, it does mean that she has barely any internet access. Before class from 6-7am on week days, after she has retired to her room in the evening if she is lucky, which can be any time from as early as 9 pm to as late as 11, at which point she is unlikely to get on. On the weekends, any net time is totally up for grabs.

I want to say congratulations to MinXXX and Ver for (in that order) being the only 2 people to figure out my riddle: What's the only crime you cannot be punished for? I don't know how you two did it, but major kudos to both of you. Perhaps I'll make this a monthly or semi-monthly thing. My next riddle is as follows: What do you own, but others use more than you? Hmmm? If you know, y!m me at Zebra925 or aim message me at Fencinggal15. If you are a part of Dark Alleyway, I will give you 1,000 coins as a reward if you are one of the first 3 to get it right.If you're on Ambroid, I will give you 1,000 units aid if you come to my alliance to get it.

On current events in RavenBlack: I heard that there was to be a new rule enforced... I say don't bother. Rules that are not essential only cause problems, they don't solve them. The wording and concept behind the rule screwed me up so thoroughly that I never could figure out what the hell it meant! On current events for me: as of now I have the first 2 paragraphs of my story and the words are still flowing like water from an overzealous mountain brook after the snow has begun to melt. I would have the whole first chapter but the @*# #$%&^# computer fucking deleted my first 2 chapters twice before I finally got them saved. In all I had to write the damn thing three times!!! Gah...

Posted by scifi2/lkh_books at 8:40 PM PST
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Tuesday, August 30, 2005
So mad...
Mood:  down
Going to kill her, going to kill her, going to kill- Okay, it isn't cool to pick on those less prepared for a fight than you. George just ran into her room and slammed the door- *horrified* I think she may have been crying even... Nah, must've been the light. Anyway, turns out she was watching that show of hers, House, and talking to her mom on the phone. Turns out that was when someone came in and told her to take her feet off the coffee table. George, thinking of all the times she had seen her own dad do that, smiled and nodded, not interupting the conversation. That someone decided to make a point of it, so even seeing that George was on the phone she continued talking about how "we eat on that table." So, to stop the lecture so that she could put all her attention on her mom again, George puts her hand over the speaker and said "Yes __name_withheld__, I will in a minute" not loudly but forcfully, hoping to head further arguments off at the pass. Unfortunately, her mother heard and began a lecture on doing things right away and not waiting... George tried to tell her mother that it would make more sense to do it when the conversation was done, but her mother retorted that this 'argumentitive behavior' was the reason why she was living with her dad anyway... It may be sill for me to be angry at that someone when George was actually being argumentative in the literal sense of the term, but if that someone had never showed up, or had had the courtesy to not interupt a phone call then George wouldn't be so upset. And it's not like this is the first time she has pulled a stunt like this. Though last time was different. Last time she physically blocked an upset George from escape and yelled at her as George tried as calmly as she could (while full blown crying, anyway) that she was upset and didn't want to say anything she would regret. Oh yea, that one was much better...

Posted by scifi2/lkh_books at 11:45 PM PDT
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Mood:  don't ask
Now Playing: COOL!
Topic: Don't really have one...
I have big news! I am now Veronique's honorary little sister!!! Yea!!! That's so cool! I always wanted a sister... *Sniff* That's so sweet of her... Also, I finally met O and C's humans. They're nice... A little nutty, but nice. I see what O and C see in them. They're a riot!!!

I also have news from George, but that shall have to wait until tonight. 'Til then, au bientot, mes amis.

Posted by scifi2/lkh_books at 3:33 PM PDT
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Friday, August 26, 2005
Site Under New Management
Mood:  rushed
Topic: New Management
Gak! I have no time... For anything!!! Never before in my life have I been so buisy, well, at least that I can remember, lol. School starts in a week or so and then I'll have to abandon my wacked out sleep patterns and return to a more normal and sane routine. I'll have crap loads of homework and tons and tons of community service to knock out. In fact, registration was last week! Gah... I thought I was going to die! In fact, I walked home with my friends and hung out for a bit, but when I got home I fell into bed (at 7:30, can you believe it?!) and slept until my dentist appointment, woke up for it, was asleep two hours later, and diidn't wake up until my friends called to go to the mall *shudder* which I only did because it was them, lol. Thank you Maia and Crecy for getting me off my back and out into the fresh air! Of course, when I got home I was even more tired and slept the whole next night away. Imagine this scene from before registration...

"OH MY GOD!!! OhmyGod, ohmyGod, ohmyGod..." *Maia smacks me upside the head* "Get a grip, George!" "I don't wanna see people, I don't wanna have to act polite, I don't wanna converse... GET ME OUTTA HERE!!! I'M GOING NUTS!!!" *Crecy walks over ad tosses glass of water over me* "Chill, George, it's just gonna be us. Don't worry about it!" "Gak! Y'know, guys, this water in the face thing is becoming a theme. Now I'm gonna have to go chang-" *Maia and Crecy both grab one of my arms and drag me out of the room.*

Anyway, you get the picture I'm sure. So, since I fully understand that I am not able to continue shouldering the responsibility for the upkeep of this site, I am hereby farming it off on Georgiana. Georgiana de Requiem, or so she says her name is, is some kind of relation to me, a cousin way removed or something. She doesn't look much older than twenty or so, yet she's constantly saying things that make me think maybe she's older than she looks. Whenever I ask her what her relation to me is, she dodges the subject, and please believe me when I say that Georgiana is the master of dodging. And what really confuses me, is whenever I bring up the subject of Georgiana to my mom she looks annoyed and tells me that no matter how many times I ask, I am not related to a Georgiana de Requiem and to not go into chat rooms. I'll figure it out someday...

Posted by scifi2/lkh_books at 3:55 AM PDT
Updated: Friday, August 26, 2005 4:01 AM PDT
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