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Title: The Stella
Author: kbk
Disclaimer: I don't know who "Due South" belongs to, but it ain't me.
Rating: PG
Summary: Drabble. Ray Vecchio's POV on relationships and Ray Kowalski. Slashy if you read it that way - a bit like the show, I guess. The voice is generic and the piece is short.

He called her The Stella. Like she was a goddess, or something. Like maybe I don't worship her quite enough.

Like when she calls out my name at night, I can never be sure if it's me she's thinking of, or him.


The scrawny punk-ass Polack that got there first with my woman and got more from Benny than I ever thought possible.

I saw them together, and they're happy now, you know?

And so are we. Me and Stella.

Learning all the things he knew. Touching where he must once have touched.

Yeah, I'm jealous. What of it?

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