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The Home oF Musara Kagi

Musara Kagi was born in Feudal Japan, and was raised by his father who was a Samurai for a Daimyo..His Father was the best swordsman in that Clan. His Father trained him well in the art of kenjutsu, and aijutsu also known as thethe "quick draw and slash" infamous in the feudal  Japan duels. Kagi as we would call him now aslo trained in the ceremonial arts of t he samurai....the writing of scriptures, and poetry of that time period, ashe grew older...he watched his father adamantly...until his  father's death from the Honor duel that a Daimyo from another Clan challenged him to test his "metal" in dueling. His father lost.
Beset with anger and greif...Kagi took his father's place as the champion, and challenged the ogre like Daimyo....the man scoffed and belittled him. and at that point...The Daimyo of Kagi's Clan growled and told him to kill him outright..the battle raged, metal clanging against metal...sparks flew a well, for both katanas were well made...but the opposing Daimyo's sword shattered..and he was defeated honorably...and he taking his wakizashi..and slashingh at Kagi...seeing this....Kagi parried and killed that Daimyo out right as he was ordered. News of this reached the Shogunate...and He was infuriated with this was ordered that both make amends....and a new Daimyo to be appointed. This did not ensue for the brother of the now Dead Daimyo whose name i shall now admit was Kuro Mugawa....and his Brother Akagi Mugawa...Akagai declared wear on the Dokai Clan where Kagi was at. Both armies were raised and armed to the death, Honor was to be restored tween them both...the Dokai knew that Mugawa Clan would attack the fort at full strength...ans thought they were pre pared...they werent!
The fort was attacked by ninjas at first at certain strong points of the gort weakening them slightly then the troops attacked....taking the army by surprise...the fight went on for days and nights...finally on the last day..the enemy Mugawa Akagai met with Kagi...face to face....weapons raised...eyes never leaving each other...Kagi had to win to regain thre Clan's Honor, but even in Death..he would....but Akagi had other ideas, he wanted HIM dead....and that was all, for killing his brother! Akagi screamed at the top of his lungs..and charged...Kagi stood his ground....watching..and as the blades met....the loud ringing could be heard over the battlegrounds....sparks again flying and shining in the night....they fought till one dropped...and one did...but he wasnt beheaded...a glancing blow off kagi's sword..shattered it, and  Akagi's sword pierced his armor into his heart...was a mortal bl;ow to him...he fell...holding his chest...trying to stop the bleeding, as Akagi laughed...he didnt see the one person that Kagi had seen sneaking up behind him, and beheaded him..was the  Shogun....who had arrived too late....Kagi collapsed into a heap. He awoke being on a funeral pyre....bound and wrapped in his robes..his wakizashi and no-dachi at his one was around but a few guards, he was puzzled, why hadnt he died....then he heard a familiar voice..."it is not your time Samurai" go are now immortal, keep your head on your shoulders...and weapon at  the ready, men and women will be looking to challenge you!" he unbound himself, and got dressed....and ran off into the darkness of the night never to be seen there again.

Present Day
Kagi Musara now lived in San Francisco Claifornia, and runs a small nightclub called Blades. This nightclub is for those Immortals who like to gatherr and tell stories, have a few drinks and dance, hear good music. Musara took the nightclub over after the original owner died in combat from another immortal known only as  "Shadow"...who steps from the fog banked piers and fights vehemently to gain the knowledge of any who dare to fight him. Kqagi hasd neve met him in battle, but will some time soon. kagi runs his nightclub legally in the SF bat area..and is hoping to frqanchise the nightclub on the west coast and on the east coast as well. He also owns several buildings from his wealth that he has gained...and earned by selling handmade swords of various types for viewing and collecting, and his real estate ventures for clubs and such.

Kagi Musara
Owner of Blades SF

Height: 6'2"
weight: 212
eye: brown
hair: jet black

Trained in kenjutsu,bushido,aijutsu,martial arts,martial arts weaponry, tho he doesnt use them, he is also trained in firearms as well, .357, .44 auto mag, 454.citygun shotguns, and sniper rifles and hunting rifles as well.

Weapons he most likely he carries:

Martial arts
Kung  Fu
Tae kwon Do
Jit Kun Do
kick boxing
he is a black belt in most of these 5th dan.
boxing, he is classed in middle weight, but uses this as
for training to keep his skills toned and honed.