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Jedime's Po' Boy Star Wars Customs



(from Star Tours)


I'm not sure how this droid got designated R2-D7, as I was unaware that any Star Tours droids received names prior to becoming action figures. I heard this droid can only be seen in Tokyo, so I just have the small, blurry ref pic to go on. You may notice that he's a little pink. Once Hasbro makes an official figure that I have a custom of, the figure becomes fodder again (35 figures at this point!). EE's two Droid 5 Packs put nine of my custom droids out of commision (all but R2-Y3 who I can't seem to find anywhere in ESB!) I have two extra R4 Units, and two droids that I found to make, but both are painted mostly red - and that means coat after coat of white paint. I think I did about five, but it's still a little visible.


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