Submission Guidelines

Word Count=8,000 or less.

Genre=Any Speculative Fiction (Scifi, Fantasy, Horror). SF/F/H Reviews (Books, Movies, etc.)

Criteria=The story should be surprising and shocking beyond all explanations. Good examples are the works of Philip K Dick or Ray Vukcevich. Don't be afraid to bend reality or be experimental. Even old ideas that are rehashed in new and twisted ways will work (as long as they don't infringe on copyrights). Please no fan fiction (Star Wars, etc.). Correct grammar is a judging point. I will not alter anyone's work other than to correct small grammar mistakes.

Art=I also need artists willing to work for recognition. Featured stories will need companion artwork. Send me some sketches if you are interested.

Pay=Currently no payment can be offered. Once the magazine gets a firm start and goes to print, subscriptions will be offered and writers who were published may be paid and pay rates will be decided.

Rights=Currently, the author will retain all rights to his or her work. Once we become a paying market we will buy first North American publication rights.

Stories will be accepted currently by email to The story should be copied into the body of the letter and not added as an attachment. The subject of the email should read Fiction Sub: (title of story) Click here for format of the story.