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Space Weapons Chart

Ground Weapons Chart

Starfighter Rating Chart

Vehicle Rating Chart

Trooper Rating Chart

Space Weapons Chart

Type Damage
Laser Cannon 1
Heavy Laser Cannon 2
Turbo-Charged Laser 3
Light Turbolaser 5
Turbolaser 6
Heavy Turbolaser 7
Turbolaser Battery 8
Concussion Missile 5
Advanced Concussion Missile 6
Proton Torpedo 10
Advanced Proton Torpedo 12
Light Ion Cannon 4
Ion Cannon 6
Heavy Ion Cannon 8


Ground Weapons Chart

Type Damage
Light Blaster Rifle N/A
Medium Blaster Rifle N/A
Heavy Blaster Rifle N/A
Assault Blaster Rifle N/A
Repeating Blaster Rifle 2
Light Blaster Cannon 1
Medium Blaster Cannon 3
Heavy Blaster Cannon 5
Light Laser Cannon 2
Laser Cannon 4
Heavy Laser Cannon 6
Light Turbolaser 5
Turbolaser 6
Heavy Turbolaser 7
Turbolaser Battery 8
Heavy Turbolaser Battery 9
Thermal Detonator 6
Concussion Missile 5
Advanced Concussion Missile 6
Proton Torpedo 10
Advanced Proton Torpedo 12

N/A - Personnel Only

Starfighter Rating Chart

Note: Attack Ratings listed include all weapons (warheads, lasers, etc). If you do not fire these weapons, these ratings need to be modified accordingly. This chart is for comparison purpose only and may differ according to what arsenal each Captain has loaded.

Type AR DR Dmg Tolerance
TIE Fighter 4 4 11
TIE Interceptor 8 4 11
TIE Bomber 22 4 12
TIE Avenger 18 6 18
XG-1 Assault Gunboat 22 8 23
T-Wing 12 5 15
X-Wing Fighter 24 8 24
A-Wing Interceptor 12 5 15
Y-Wing Bomber 22 8 24
B-Wing Assault Fighter 23 9 27
E-Wing Starfighter 18 7 21
Miy'til Interceptor 16 4 12
Hetrinar Assault Bomber 24 7 21
Hapan Gunboat 19 8 24
A-9 Vigilance Interceptor 6 4 12
Cloakshape Fighter 16 8 23
SoroSuub Assault Bomber 22 7 21
Starviper Interceptor 14 6 18
Z-95 Headhunter 16 6 18
R-41 Starchaser 4 7 21
Skipray Blastboat 17 13 38


Vehicle Rating Chart

Attack Rating: Weapon Damage / 3 + Speed + Maneuverability x 2 Defense Rating: Damage Tolerance / 10 + Speed + Maneuverability / 2

Type AR DR Dmg Tolerance
AT-AT Walker 28 7 80
AT-ST Walker 24 6 40
Compact Assault Vehicle 22 7 20
Floating Fortress 22 6 50
Hoverscout 34 7 25
Century Tank - TIE Crawler 22 5 20
Freerunner 28 7 45
Heavy Tracker 22 7 45
T-47 Speeder 34 9 20
Ultra Light Assault Vehicle 32 8 20
Hapan Ultra-LAV 27 7 18
Combat Cloud Car 35 7 20
Repulsor Sled 18 5 5
Speeder Bike 24 6 3
AT-PT Walker 20 5 25

Trooper Rating Chart

Type AR Dmg Tolerance
Imperial Infantry 4 6
Imperial Stormtroopers 5 8
Imperial Rangers 4 8
Heavy Imperial Rangers 6 8
Elite Imperial Commandos 6 10
Royal Guard Troopers 10 12
Republic Infantry 4 6
Republic Commandos 5 8
Republic Special Forces 6 10
Royal Troopers 4 6
Royal Hapan Guards 6 9
Mercenaries 4 6
Standard Infantry 4 6
Standard Heavy Infantry 5 9

All graphics and code owned and designed
by Patrick Driggett