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Never Forget (page 2)

I don't think we really knew what we were getting into when the whole thing started. If we had, then I think that we would have kept the iris closed when the evil bitch from Tok'ra hell walked into our lives.
She changed things, beyond repair. We'll never be the same after this, he'll never be the same. But I know, one thing is for certain, I'll be there to help him through it every step of the way. And he'll be here for me. I'll hold him close when his frustration increases to boiling point and he'll do the same for me. I'll be there to reassure him that I love him, no matter what happens, I'll always love him.
I know his memories of me are fresh, only beginning from the time of the Zaytarc incident, but I guess that I'll have to remember for both of us.
It's the things that no one else knows about that hurt the most. The innocent hugs, the light touches, the glances, the kiss we shared on Hathor's planet, the things we swore that only we would have the privilege of remembering. But he doesn't, and probably won't so I'll tell him about them and I'll hold onto those memories for the both of us.
And I'll never forget, I owe him that much.


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