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-----Hello! I would like to welcome you to my story. I am actually so glad that I can finally start placing it on to my web site. I have had a few people ask about it. Even though I am placing it on, I am not fully completed it yet. I also have several other books to write with the same characters. The first book is called Drydec's Prophecy. This is where you get to meet the chatacters, and here their stories. Plus there is a lovely twist that is going to happen near the end but I am not going to spoil it for anyone. Not even my editor. After I have finished Book One, I will do character profiles and everything for my characters, but that will have to wait because the twist will be noted in them. I am also getting detailed maps drawn up and placed on this site as well, but they will have to wait (I am still trying to figure out how big Hellia should be and how to design Central City). So I am not going to keep you waiting, dig eright into the reading.

Dryedc's Prophecy

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