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Electromagnetic Radiation and Mobile Phones: The Dangers

Electromagnetic Radiation Association
New Scientist
Sar Shield

We live in a time where technology is evolving at an ever increasing rate. We are quick to adopt and adapt to these new discoveries without really questioning the negative impacts that they might present. We usually only worry about the monetary costs of these new devices rather than any physical cost that many result from their use. Once we adopt new technologies it doesn’t take long before we rely on their and can’t see how we did without them. They then become what are known as persuasive technologies, this means that are more noticed by their absence than their presence.

Once we have grown accustomed to their presence and can’t now do without them, what happens if we now find out that they do us harm? Can we give them up? Everyone thought that smoking was harmless in the 60’s and 70’s. It wasn’t until people were becoming sick and later dying from smoking related afflictions that the uninformed public began to learn the grim truth.

Well what technology that we use today could be doing us harm? In terms of everyday items we don’t have to look any further than the media related devices such as the mobile phone, and mobile phones are only going to become a larger part of everyday life. Mobile phones are used regularly and often for long periods. Also, alarmingly many young people (15-25 years old) spend a large amount of time using them for both work and recreational purposes.

What is it about these devices that is doing us harm? Mobile phones produce electromagnetic fields (EMF’s), as does every electrical source when it’s operating. These electromagnetic fields emit radiation which is hazardous to your health. Although electromagnetic energy has been around for decades, the dramatic increase in the microwave aspects of this energy from the use in wireless technology, such as mobile phone and their base towers and antennas has sparked more research into the effects of electromagnetic radiation.

Most of the reports conducted by many different entities although not dispelling that there are no adverse affects from the usage of mobile phones, could find no real impact humans but could see detrimental implications for animals. Some professors were skeptical of the ways in which the research was carried out, most of the people involved were medical and statistical staff with little knowledge with electromagnetism.

Recently there has been more has been made of the potential effects that exposure to electromagnetic radiation (EMR). Many of the common aliments that have been suggested are: sleep disturbances, chronic fatigue, headaches, dizziness, learning problems, distorted vision and burning skin to name but a few. But the biggest concern is the link with EMR and cancer.

This is the aspect that has kept renewing the debate about the threat of EMR from mobile phones; it is also the aspect that is most easily sensationalized. It is unsure as to whether the EMR can initiate cancer, and or promote the spread of existing cancerous cell it seems that there is some consensus that a cancerous threat might be posed from exposure to EMR.

Even if these findings amount to nothing it is worrying that that hasn’t been much made of the possible detrimental effects of extended usage of devices emitting EMR’s , especially the common mobile phone. With an estimated 12 million people in Australia owning a mobile phone the possible consequences of cancer due to their usage should warrant a large public awareness campaign.

The information relating to the topic of electromagnetic radiation that is not very readily available, this leads to feelings that the public at large is being left out in the cold. It is hard to make an informed judgment on a particular issue without being presented the facts.

If someone wants to learn about the effects of EMR then they need to actively seek the necessary information. This can become quite difficult to find literature that is not either biased or in language that requires a level of expertise that is above the nom for someone outside of the scientific community.

That is why this website is being constructed. The younger generation of today (16-30) need to made aware of all the possible dangers of usage of mobile phones. This website is aimed at people that have or are looking to purchase a mobile phone and are interested to see if there is any truth behind these claims. Some of the people that this website is aimed at might have had some of the previously stated afflictions.

The target audience is one that may be becoming increasingly more aware from a social standpoint. They may be studying at university and starting to become more analytical and can question the norm, they no longer take things as a given. The audience may be skeptical about the main media outlets and prefer to scourer the internet for their information.

However the audience that I am targeting will include readers that may not have the patience to read long winded reports from government inquires with highly technical language. That said the website links that would benefit them would not have to have cartoon oriented themes to gain/keep their attention. Concise information presented in a straightforward fashion from a link that has an aura of credibility will be chosen. One off web pages will not suffice.

The target audience would appreciate sources that were known and respected, this shows validity, also the majority of the links would need to be from an unbiased entity. For the sake of deconstruction and criticism I have included a link that has a steadfast opinion on the issue at hand. It will be easy to see where the priorities of the provider of this link lie. Having this site also gives the audience and insight as to what someone with a financial interest. I have attempted to keep as many of the independent links from Australian sources as American sources may make the audience feel as if this is an American problem, using Australian links makes the findings more believable in my opinion.

I feel that this site will become the resource of choice for those after quick, easy and independent evaluation of the dangers of electromagnetic radiation. It will have links that are aimed at the target audience and will allow for people with worries about their mobile phone’s to come to their OWN considered conclusions on how, what, and if any harm their mobile phone is doing to them.