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(PhilSys Character) Rodney Meliamne

Quick Stats:
Rodney (Storm Eye) - Lvl 3 - 70 HP, 80 MP, 31 TP


name: Rodney - age: 16 - eyes: dark red - hair: white - height: 6'3" - alignment: neutral - behavior: self-centered, although sometimes friendly - temperament: angry

Rodney knows little of his past, so little that he does not even know who his parents are. All he knows is that he was born with the ability to assume the form of a rat - when asked about this, he tends to call it a curse, despite the potential advantages he would have. Most others that have his ability shun him, for they are considered by others to be evil, while he is not. Also, he does not share other abilities or phobias that his brethren have, such as a fear of silver and of magic, or even their ability of regeneration. Because of this, Rodney tends to be a loner, and does not like to be bothered.

One thing he does not know is that his mother is half-elven, and that his grandfather was the cause for this curse brought upon him. Dark gods found him defiling their order, and turned him into a rat. Rodney's father inherited the curse when Rodney's grandfather died, shortly after Rodney was born. Rodney's father was able to assume human form for short periods of time, however. Rodney gained the curse after his father came to the brink of death against a tiger, and from then on Rodney has hated cats. How Rodney managed to stay human for long periods of time is still unclear. He was abandoned early by his mother, seen as a threat, and raised by werewolves in a secret order. Shortly before the werewolves had discovered him for the first time, his father came under attack from a tiger while he was in rat form, and was saved only after one of the werewolves scared the tiger away.

When he was six, someone strange came into where the werewolves were, and slayed several of them with a silver knife. Rodney then stepped out to stop him. He got only a long gash in his leg, which is still there. After this, the werewolves decided that he was unfit for their order, and asked him to leave. Rodney's father, however, would not allow this. After being coerced by the older werewolves that survived, plus a younger one named Relldar Amastacia, Rodney's father finally asked Rodney to leave, but he was allowed to teach one magic skill to the young child. Rodney, apparently not fit to live alone, quickly chose air magic as what he'd learn, seeing its offensive and defensive purpose. For ten years, Rodney was a thief and assassin. This was complicated even more by the fact that Rodney is an albino - he's almost totally devoid of color, with pale skin, white hair, and red eyes. His eyes glow and appear to burn whenever he uses his magic - a side-effect of his curse, actually. To counteract this, Rodney wears black armor in order to be able to hide better in the shadows.

Then, ten years later (recently), in a town named Eurastia, he found a job where he could keep himself controlled, unlike the ones earlier. He, along with some escorts, was to take a priest to find a book. His allies were: Seph Kellner, a Red Mage with Black Mage skills; Rai'm Tymisonn, a thief from the streets of Doma; and Tharnik Angelsbane, who, unbeknownst to Rodney, was a werewolf. Rodney came into conflict with Tharnik after Rodney attacked a wolf to defend the priest. They temporarily reconciled their conflict that night, but Rodney had to put up with the annoying priest for a longer time.

Rai'm caused more trouble for him, however. Her 'let life be fun' attitude eventually caused Rodney to have a sort of nervous breakdown. Even though he got over it, his life would change from then on.

Name: Rodney
RPer: Storm Eye
Race: Nezujin
Level: 3
XP: 200/1500
Max HP: 70
Max MP: 80
Max TP: 31
Initiative: 7+2d6 (9-19)
Courage +2
Wisdom +3
Intuition +3
Charisma (-2)
Agility +5
Dexterity +5
Strength +2
Stamina +2
Magic Aptitude: 4
Base AT/PA - 12/12
Modified for skill - 18/14
Modified for armor - 17/13

Final AT/PA (sabre) - 17/13
Final AT/PA ("Flare") - 18/15

Body=Studded Leather (AC 11, -1/-1)
Missile Dodge - 23
Base MAttack - 10
MBlock - 17

For PS 2.0 ONLY
Bonus Melee Actions (sabre) - 3 (2 for AGI, 1 for skill)
Typical Action/Round (sabre) - 3 attacks, 2 parries
Bonus Melee Actions (Flare) - 2 (1 for AGI, 1 for skill)
Typical Action/Round (Flare) - 3 attacks, 1 parry

Weapon Damage - Sabre [7/9/12, -0/-0 AT/PA]
Thrusting 9+1d6
Swinging 13+2d4
Chopping 18+2d6

Weapon Damage - "Flare" (Longsword) [10/14/17, -1/-0 standard AT/PA, +2/+2 AT/PA for attachment, req'd STR +1]
Thrusting 12+1d6
Slashing 18+2d4
Chopping 23+2d6

Note on "Flare": The name is etched in Gzayrian on the blade's hilt. Also, on the handle, the phrase "To the Worthy of the Clan" in Gzayrian is etched in a spiral shape. HOWEVER, Rodney does not understand the Gzayrian script.

Swords - 8 <str/agi/cou>
Unarmed Combat - 1 <str/agi/cou>
Air Magic - 7 <int/wis/mag>
Climbing - 4 <str/agi/dex>
Disarm Trap - 3 <dex/dex/int>
Throwing Weapons: Non-aerodynamic - 3 <str/dex/cou>
Lockpicking - 2 <dex/dex/int>
Ambidexterity - 2 <DEX*3>
[s]Stealth - 6 <dex/agi/int>
[s]Athletics - 4 <str/sta/agi>
[s]Find Traps - 4 <int>
[s]Charge Attack - 4 <agi>
[k]Survival - 4
  • [Innate]Curse of the Rat - Rodney can shift into the form of a rat. Even though his equipment becomes part of the transformation, he cannot use weapons in this form, and armor is ineffective for him. Shifting to either form takes a full round, and each form change can only be done a number of times per day equal to Rodney's Stamina statistic +1. Rodney must rest to be able to use this skill more often. Being a rat increases Rodney's DEX and AGI by 2 + his level. His weapons are considered sharp claws, which have a damage of (10, 12, 14).
  • [Innate, Swords=1]Anger Strike (4 TP) - Rodney gets a boost of energy and puts more power into his attacks for a short time. All attacks for 1d4 rounds will deal an additional 6+1d6 damage.
  • [Swords=2]Power Slash (5 TP) - Rodney slashes or chops with his weapon in an overhead style with both hands. This deals damage as a Chopping attack, but multiply STR by 4 instead of 3, and instead of -6 to hit, the attack is only -3 to hit.
  • [Swords=3, Air Magic=3, Charge Attack=2] Dive Bomb Attack (7 TP, 15 MP) - With the aid of air magic, Rodney runs toward an opponent, and jumps  upon them, using his weapon at the peak of his jump. This attack acts as a Chopping attack, but does not have any penalties, and multiply STR by 5 instead of 3. (Originally Agility Attack)
  • [Swords=8, Charge Attack=4] Blade Rush (8 TP) - Rodney rushes at the opponent, slashing like crazy. Act as if this is 1d3+1 slashes per attack action (that is, for each attack in a round), but the damage for each slash is at -4.
  • [Air Magic=1]Wind Gust (5 MP) - A small burst of wind blows the enemy off balance. If successful, this attack will stun the enemy for 1d2 rounds, as well as dealing 8+2*rank+2d4 damage.
  • [Air Magic=2]Air Shield (9 MP per round in existence) - Moving air protects Rodney, deflecting ranged weapons. Rodney gains a +5 vs. all non-magic missiles while this spell is in effect.
  • [Air Magic=4]Minor Implosion (16 MP) - Rodney increases the pressure of the air around one opponent. This attack deals 14+4*rank+2d6 damage.
  • [Air Magic=6] Storm Beam (24 MP) - Deals 10+rank*4+3d6 air damage to all within a 10 footcorridor in front of the caster.
  • [Air Magic=7, Stealth=5] Squelch (28 MP) - Prevents the air around a target from vibrating, thereby squelching all sounds the target makes. Lasts for 1d4+rank minutes.
  • [Throwing Weapons=1, Air Magic=1]Triple Throw (3 TP, 10 MP) - Rodney can make one throwing weapon split into three as soon as it's thrown. Each projectile has its own chance to hit and deals separate damage.
  • [Throwing Weapons or Swords=2, Stealth=2]Silent Strike (5 TP) - Rodney quietly sneaks behind an opponent and attacks.  Can only be used if that opponent cannot see Rodney. This gives a +(stealth rank) bonus to hit and a +(sword rank) to damage.
  • [Swords=5, Air Magic=5]Air Blade (3 TP, 18 MP) - Rodney slices his sword to release a blast of air magic in a 4-foot arc, which travels toward the target. It deals 20+rank*6+2d6 damage when it hits.
  • [Throwing Weapons or Swords=3, Stealth=5]Knock Over (4 TP) - Rodney sneaks up behind the opponent and pushes them down. The opponent suffers penalties of -3 to AT and PA until they can get up. Getting up takes one round. This can only be used if the opponent cannot see Rodney.