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Mozatoudlah Roulakki, AKA Jameson

Quick Stats:
Jameson Roulakki(Divinegon2130) - Lvl 1 - 55 HP, 65 MP, 20 TP


name: Mozatoudlah "Jameson" Roulakki - age: 3 months - eye color: dark blue - hair (fur): gold - height: 5'10" - feather color: bronze - wingspan: 10' when fully extended - temperament: mild -

In the past, Jerrin Userui had a rather bizarre life. When he was eight, his brother was turned into a vampire. For twenty years after that, Jerrin slowly became one of the most skilled martial artists known. In the months after he reunited with his brother, Jerrin wound up getting into numerous fights with very evil beings, particularly numerous strong demons. The last of these was against a pair of demon lords, Rax Onetha and Kaier Jezeran, while Jerrin was 28. He beat the two singlehandedly, but a last-ditch spell by Rax was the final straw that broke most of the bones in Jerrin's skeleton.

He was taken in by a group of repentant demons known as the Razor Shards, whose leader, Ghakim, he had been friends with, and with their help he was able to survive for a total of nine days. However, his injuries became too much to bear, and he passed away on the tenth day while his brother watched in sadness.

His belief in life was always that death ended everything, but for reasons he still does not understand, he was approached in the afterlife by celestials who, after explaining what had truly happened to him, were willing to give him a second chance based on what he had done in life. After some hesitation, Jerrin agreed, and thusly, after some time in the celestial realm, he had become a glynn, or celestial griffon, named Mozatoudlah Roulakki.

However, an accident on the first day that he returned to the mortal realm left him with amnesia about his past. Due to this, he went on a demon-slaying rampage, until he was sternly reminded of the truth by those that were friends with him in the past. Now Mozatoudlah, having taken the name "Jameson" to fit in better with mortals, wanders the mortal realm seeking any knowledge about the dark and evil that he can.

Physical Description: A glynn looks generally humanoid in shape, though its limbs are built most like a lion's. In fact, the limbs, abdomen, and lower torso of a glynn are covered with lion fur. The upper torso, shoulders, and face are covered with feathers like those of a hawk, and the head itself is shaped like a hawk's head. A glynn also has large hawk wings protruding from its back.

Name: Jameson Roulakki
RPer: Divinegon2130
Race: Glynn
Level: 1
XP: 0/1000
Max HP: 55
Max MP: 65
Max TP: 20
Initiative: 8+2d6 (10-20)
Courage +5
Wisdom +6
Intuition +3
Charisma +1
Agility +3
Dexterity (-1)
Strength +2
Stamina +0
Magic Aptitude: 2
Base AT/PA - 13/13

Modified for Weapon (unarmed) - 17/13
Modified for Armor (unarmed) - 16/11
Final AT/PA (unarmed) - 16/11
AT with second fist - 16

Modified for Weapon (staff) - 14/16
Modified for Armor (staff) - 13/14
Final AT/PA (staff) - 11/16

Base Dodge - 19
Base MAttack - 11
Base MBlock - 23 (+4 with Magic Resistance)

Body= AC 12 (iron breastplate, -1/-2 AT/PA)
Magic AC = 4 (Magic Resistance Skill)

PA Modifications = +4 on first dodge (Fast Dodging Skill)

Weapon Damage - Unarmed
Punch 6+1d6
Kick 8+2d4
Bonus Actions: 1
Attack/Parry Distribution: 2 attacks, 1 parry

Weapon Damage - Wooden Staff (4/6/9, -2/+2 AT/PA)
Thrusting 6+1d6
Swinging 10+2d4
Bashing 15+2d6
Bonus Actions: 0

Unarmed Combat - 4 <agi/cou/str>
Weapon (Staff) - 4 <agi/cou/str>
Holy Magic - 4 <mag/int/wis>
Healing Magic - 4 <mag/int/wis>
Enchanting Magic - 4 <mag/int/wis>
Flight - 2 <cou/agi/sta>
Meditation - 2 <int/int/wis>
Singing - 2 <Cha/Cha/Int>
[s]Two Fisted Style - 4 <DEX>
[s]Fast Dodging - 4 <AGI>
[s]Magic Resistance - 4 <cou/mag/int>
[k]Demonology - 4
[k]Vampire Habits - 4
[k]Ritual Magic - 4
  • [Innate] Celestial Nature - Due to Jameson's celestial nature, he takes 50% less damage from holy-based sources. This increases as Jameson's level increases (75% at 5, 100% at 10, 25% absorption at 15, and 50% absorption at 20). However, he also takes 1.5 times as much damage from shadow-based sources, but only until level 10 - after that, he takes 3 times as much damage.
  • [Innate] Aura Form (9 TP, 7 MP, plus 7 MP per round) - Being a celestial, Jameson can assume an aura form, manifesting himself in it as a somewhat ghostly version of himself and his equipment. While in this form, he can't use any magic save a select few skills (which are specified), nor can he be harmed by physical attacks. He may still make unarmed attacks, though they deal 1/2 the damage they normally do against physical targets, and he cannot otherwise manipulate objects (weapons carried with him become ghostly, but cannot affect physical targets). Against incorporeal creatures, however, Jameson fights as normal (besides the 'no magic' rule). In order to shift into this form in combat situations, it would take one turn to actually shift, and another to get his bearings in his new form.
  • [Innate, Aura Form only] Battle Spirit (4 TP) - By slightly adjusting his aura form and staying close to a person's aura and mind, Jameson can instill bravery in a target. The target gains +2 to Courage, but Jameson may not act at all while he is using this. This technique stops benefitting the target either when Jameson chooses to end it (which is a full-round action), the target is killed or knocked unconscious, or the target fails to resist a fear effect (in which case Jameson removes himself so that the fear does not get into him).
  • [Unarmed Combat=2] Ginkise Kobushi (4 TP) - A high-powered punch that deals double damage with a -2 penalty to hit (because it's "telegraphed").
  • [Holy Magic=1] Insei Hari (7 MP) - A burst of holy magic that deals 8+rank*2+2d4 damage.
  • [Holy Magic=4] Ansen Kouro (16 MP) - A draining magic attack that floods the opponent with holy power, dealing 17+rank*4+2d8 damage.
  • [Holy Magic=4] Giragira (29 MP) - Deals 10+rank*2+1d6 holy damage to all targets within a 10 foot radius of the caster's target.
  • [Healing Magic=4] Fuujiru Fushou (18 MP) - Jameson focuses his celestial power, restoring 15+rank*4+2d6 HP to one target. Some creatures, namely shadow-based ones, will be damaged by this.
  • [Meditation=1] Shouten (3 TP) - Jameson forfeits one round of actions to concentrate. His next physical attack deals 50% more damage.
  • [Meditation=2] Ichuu Kiyoi - To use this, Jameson must be kneeling or sitting down, staying still, and able to focus. A fair bit of outside noise can be tuned out, but being physically disrupted will break Jameson's concentration. While this is being used, Jameson slowly recovers MP (at a rate of 2 MP per minute, and no more than rank*5 MP in one sitting) and is able to heal some mentally oriented status effects. Jameson can meditate in this manner up to (rank/2) times per day.
  • [Enchanting Magic=4, Ritual Magic=4] Chuwa (10 MP) - Attempts to forcefully dispel magical enchantments of various types.
  • [Holy Magic=2, Ritual Magic=2] Sasageru (18 MP) - Make a piece of land (100 ft sq.) imbued with Holy energy for (rank*5) days. The enchanted area has all the effects of a piece of truly holy land until the spell wears off. It cannot be cast on an area enchanted with Desecrate unless the caster is at least 3 ranks higher than the caster of Desecrate. All undead and unholy creatures cannot pass through this area of land, and neither can other creatures of shadow, such as demons. Should they wish to do so, they must make a COU*3+d20 check vs. the caster's spellcasting check. If they succeed, they may pass through the area, but they suffer 100 points of damage as a result.