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Richard Danatrius

Quick Stats:

Richard Danatrius, AKA Blackwing Devilcrawl - 65 HP, 55 MP, 20 TP


Name: Richard Danatrius, AKA Blackwing Devilcrawl; age - 13; eyes - dark gray; hair - black; height - 6'

History: Richard Danatrius was an ordinary child, coming from a somewhat rich family. He had an interest in discovering new things.

One day, however, when Richard was six, he was investigating a strange tree when a bird landed on his shoulder. Trying to get the bird away, Richard waved his hand, but the bird refused to move. Seeing some sort of problem with the situation, Richard tried to hit the bird with a stick, but the bird simply flew out of the way. And, at that moment, the bird bit Richard's finger.

Richard's injury healed within a few days, but the damage to him was done. During the next full moon, Richard discovered a bizarre and uncontrollable change was going on with him. It dawned upon him that a wereraven had bit him, but it was too late as Richard turned into a raven that night, going on a frenzy.

The next morning Richard's body returned to normal, for the most part. But Richard appeared to know what was going on. Two years later, Richard was assailed by a thief. Woe betide the thief, for Richard found out that day that he could change form on his own into a cross between a human and a raven. Fatefully, that was also the year that Richard changed his formal name to Blackwing Devilcrawl, in order to reflect his new life. He only uses his formal name when someone knows him well enough - he still refers to himself as Richard in front of complete strangers.

For the most part, Blackwing is friendly. However, he sometimes goes berserk (usually moments before he turns to his other forms). His human and hybrid forms can speak, but not his full raven form.

Recently, Blackwing's headed to an inn called the "Ivory Horn" where he met a demon for the first time. He went into shock when he heard that it was a demon, but he was unable to stop it - wereravens in general are fearful of demons and strong evil beings.

Name: Richard (or Blackwing)
RPer: Storm Eye
Race: Human/Lycanthrope
Level: 2
XP: 700/1250
Max HP: 69
Max MP: 61
Max TP: 25
Initiative: 6+2d6 (8-18)
Courage: +2
Wisdom: +4
Intuition: +1
Charisma: +4
Agility: +4
Dexterity: +1
Strength: +2
Stamina: +2
Magic Aptitude: 3
Base AT/PA - 9/9
Modified for Skill - 11/12
Modified for Armor - 10/11
Final AT/PA - 10/11

Base Dodge - 19 (+4 with Missile Evasion)
Base MAttack - 8
Base MBlock - 15

Body - Quilted Leather (AC 8, -1/-1)

Weapon Damage - Short Sword (-0/-0)
Thrusting - 9 + 1d6 (10-15)
Swinging - 14 + 2d4 (16-22)
Chopping - 19 + 2d6 (21-31)

Weapon (Swords) - 5 <str/agi/cou>
Dark Magic - 6 <mag/int/wis>
Necromancy - 1 <mag/int/wis>
Holy Magic - 1 <mag/int/wis>
Healing Magic - 3 <mag/int/wis>
Trading/Haggling - 4 <cou/int/cha>
Resist Lycanthropy - 4 <cou/cou/sta>
Lycanthropic Control - 5 <int/sta/cou>
[s]Stealth - 4 <dex/agi/int>
[s]Deception - 4 <cha/cha/int>
[k]Magical Creature Knowledge - 4 <wis>
[s]Missile Evasion - 4 <agi>
Skills List

Explanation: Before he was bitten, Richard had the use of some healing magic and the ability to use shadow-based magic. He has since continued training in these types, but has focused on shadow magic to a greater extent.

  • [Dark Magic=1] Shadow Ball (5 MP) - Richard throws a sphere of shadow magic at one opponent, causing 8+rank+1d6 (13-18) damage. If the target is weak to shadow-based magic, this attack deals more (dependent on the target and at GM's discretion).
  • [Dark Magic=2, Stealth=2] Shadow Wrap (12 MP) - Richard can wrap shadows around his own body, effectively making him invisible, except in daylight. All other details, as well as specifics, are left to the GM.
  • [Dark Magic=4] Darkness (16 MP) - Richard binds shadows around the heads of a group of targets (no more than (dark magic rank) targets), blinding them for 1d4 rounds.
  • [Necromancy=1, Holy Magic=1] Drain (11 MP, 2 TP) - By calling upon the spirits of the dead to assault a target's energy, Richard drains 7+rank+1d6 HP from an enemy and adds it to his own HP. Unlike standard drain spells, this will even work against undead. Against creatures healed by dark magic, use the Holy Magic rank; against other creature types, use the Necromancy rank.
  • [Holy Magic=1]Spirit Arrow (8 MP) - Richard fires a small burst of holy magic at the opponent for 10+(rank*2)+1d6 damage.
  • [Healing Magic=1] Small Cure (4 MP) - A basic healing spell, healing one target for 3+rank+1d6 (6-11) HP. Deals damage to undead (exactly how much is determined by the GM and should be dependent on the type of undead).
  • [Healing Magic=2] Cure (18 MP) - Richard puts more power into a healing spell, healing the target for 12+(rank*3)+2d4 (20-26) HP. Again, this can harm undead rather than heal them.
  • [Healing Magic=2] Spread Heal (5 MP per target) - Richard can heal multiple living targets or damage multiple undead targets for 6+rank+1d6 (9-15) HP.
  • [Healing Magic=3] Purify (12 MP) -Richard calls upon his healing powers to cleanse the target, removing 4 levels of poison, blindness, paralysis, and zombification.

Explanation: Richard, to sum it up, is an infected wereraven. What this means is that, in moonlight, he has to make resistance checks; how hard these are is dependent on the phase of the moon.
Crescent Moon: 5 DC
Half Moon: 10 DC
Gibbous Moon: 20 DC
Full Moon: 30 DC
If Richard fails such a check, he becomes a raven with no control over himself unless there are special circumstances. If Richard barely succeeds at the check, the GM will have some control over him as well. Richard must also avoid wolfsbane and silver. Wolfsbane acts as a deadly poison, and silver weapons do double damage to him. However, if Richard is slain in raven or hybrid form by normal means, but has his body intact, he has a 75% chance to recover. In raven form, Richard gains 4 agility, and can fly, with his Flying rank being equal to his Control Lycanthropy rank. Any equipment that Richard has with him during any change, voluntary or not, melds into the new form and becomes nonfunctional. This includes weapons and armor, as well as items.
  • [Resist Lycanthropy=1]Body Control (X TP) - Adds X to a single check for resisting involuntary changes.
  • [Lycanthropic Control=1]Control Lycanthropy (X TP) - Adds X to a single check for controlling self during involuntary changes.
  • [Lycanthropic Control=1]Raven Form (5 TP) - Richard transforms into a raven voluntarily. Unless he is in the light of the moon (at any phase), this controlled change grants a +10 bonus to the Control Lycanthropy check for that particular shapechange.
  • [Lycanthropic Control=4]Hybrid Form (7 TP) - Instead of changing into a raven, Richard changes into a hybrid of a raven and a human, which is basically a large raven. This grants him 1d4-1 AC, AGI, and STA; a beak thrust with a base damage of 9; a bite attack with a base damage of 15 (this is what's added to for a Chop attack; thus, the attack has a -5 penalty), and the ability to fly, with his Flying rank equal to half his Control Lycanthropy rank.
  • [Lycanthropic Control=5] Lunatic Fringes (constantly active) - A passive skill. Richard, by now, is so well attuned to his animal side that his magic is actually affected by the phases of the moon. These effects are as follows, in any condition other than full daylight (affects only rank-based effects, not whether skills can be used):
    • New Moon - Any shadow- or death-based magic suffers a -2 penalty for purposes of rank, but healing- and holy-based magic gets a +2 bonus for purposes of rank.
    • Crescent Moon - Shadow- and death-based magic suffers a -1 penalty for purposes of rank, but healing- and holy-based magic gets a +1 bonus for purposes of rank.
    • Half Moon - All skill ranks are as normal.
    • Gibbous Moon - Shadow- and death-based magic gets a +1 bonus for purposes of rank, but healing- and holy-based magic suffers a -1 penalty for purposes of rank.
    • Full Moon - Shadow- and death-based magic gets a +2 bonus for purposes of rank, but healing- and holy-based magic suffers a -2 penalty for purposes of rank.

--Sword Skills--
Explanation: Richard is rather skilled with a sword.
  • [Swords=1, Lycanthropic Control=1]Raven Stab (3 TP) - Richard aims for the eyes. In addition to dealing damage as a normal thrust, this attack has a (sword rank*10)% chance of blinding an opponent (for how long is determined by the GM). The chance of this working cannot exceed 90%.
  • [Swords=2, Deception=4]Fake Attack (4 TP) - On a successful Thrust attack, this subtracts 1d4+2 from the opponent's parry check against all enemies for that round.
  • [Swords=3, Stealth=3]Stealth Strike (5 TP) - Richard can try to strike spots that are more vulnerable, but only if he is concealed in some way. This adds (stealth rank) to the attack roll and (sword rank) to the damage roll.
  • [Swords=4, Dark Magic=3]Shadow Slice (4 TP, 15 MP) - Richard adds shadow magic to one slice. Bonus damage is 10+(rank*2)+1d6 (19-24).

Game Masters may stop here; all that is below does not concern you right now. What's below is a list of future skills that Richard/Blackwing shall learn. Do note that this is only a large sample of them.

--Future Skills (note: this is only a large sample)--
  1. Magic
    • [Dark Magic=8]Shadow Force (20 MP) - Richard fires a beam of shadow magic from his hands, dealing 20+(rank*6)+3d6 damage.
    • [Dark Magic=14, Lycanthropic Control=8]Raven Illusion (30 MP) - Richard forms a shadow into the shape of a raven, then sends it at the opponent. It deals 25+(dark rank*8)+3d8 damage when it hits.
    • [Healing Magic=10]Cure3 (33 MP) - Richard uses a massive amount of magic to heal one target for 22+(rank*5)+3d6 HP. Having this much power in a healing spell has a chance of destroying lesser undead instantly.
    • [Healing Magic=6]Healing Soul (15 MP per target) - Richard heals multiple allies (or damages multiple undead targets, as usual) for 14+(rank*4)+2d6 HP.
    • [Healing Magic=16]Cure4 (50 MP) - Richard's strongest single-heal spell, this heals one target for 25+(rank*7)+4d6 HP. Most undead will drop instantly if this is cast upon them.
    • [Healing Magic=11]Heart of Gold (25 MP per target) - Richard does a powerful mass healing technique, healing multiple targets for 18+(rank*4)+2d6 HP.
    • [Healing Magic=18]Spark of Life (38 MP per target) - Richard's ultimate mass-healing spell. Heals each target for 18+(rank*6)+3d6 HP.
    • [Holy Magic=4]Sunbeam (15 MP) - Richard calls down a beam of light to sear the target. This deals 14+(rank*4)+2d6 damage to one enemy.
    • [Holy Magic=6]Sunburst (23 MP) - Similar to Sunbeam, but with a wider area of effect. Deals 8+rank*2+1d6 damage to all hostile creatures within 10 feet of the caster's target.
    • [Holy Magic=12, Lycanthropic Control=7]Deep Light (30 MP) - Richard fires a beam of holy magic from his mouth. This can only be used in hybrid form, but does not suffer the penalties that Raven Mastery would normally confer, and deals 16+(holy rank*6)+3d6 damage.
    • [Holy Magic=8]Soul Blaster (65 MP) - Richard fires a blast of holy magic from his finger. This is Richard's strongest attack, and it deals 48+rank*11+5d8 damage. Regardless of whether or not the attack connects, however, Richard becomes physically and mentally drained after its use, suffering a -6/-6 AT/PA penalty that cannot be negated by anything other than rest. This penalty lasts for the remainder of a day.
    • [Dark Magic=4]Mega Drain (25 MP) - Drains 11+(rank*3)+1d6 HP from one opponent. Richard gains this amount.
    • [Dark Magic=8]Giga Drain (45 MP) - Drains 19+(rank*5)+1d8 HP from one target. Richard gains this amount.
    • [Dark Magic=2, Holy Magic=2]Prisma (16 MP) - Richard throws a ball of light that shimmers at the opponent. The shimmering is because part of the ball is dark magic. Deals 12+(total ranks*2)+1d8 damage.
    • [Dark Magic=4, Holy Magic=4]Spiral Coil (24 MP) - Richard fires two beams, a dark one from his left hand and a holy one from his right hand, at the opponent. The beams curl around each other as they travel, and when they hit, they deal a combined damage of 25+(total ranks*2)+2d8 damage.
    • [Dark Magic=8, Holy Magic=8]Ying-Yang Strike (70 MP) - Richard's strongest attack. Brings the forces of light and dark together to strike the target. This deals 2*(30+(total ranks*2)+2d10) damage.
    • [Dark Magic=6, Necromancy=4]Destructive Wheel (45 MP) - Richard's strongest dark-based attack. A wheel of blackness gathers around Richard. When he throws it, it deals 43+(total ranks*2)+1d20 damage.
  2. Lycanthropy
    • [Lycanthropic Control=6]Command Birds (5 TP, 10 MP) - Richard can attempt to make one bird do his bidding. If successful, he is able to control the bird as if it were a summoned creature. This control lasts for (rank/2) rounds, with 5 rounds being the maximum (just like a summon spell).
    • [Lycanthropic Control=7]Raven Mastery (constantly active) - A passive skill. Normally, Richard cannot cast spells in his hybrid form or raven form. While he still cannot cast spells in his full raven form, he has attuned himself so well to his lycanthropy that he can cast spells in hybrid form. To do this, he must spend extra TP equal to the minimum required magic type rank of the spell. For example, casting Shadow Wrap (with a minimum required rank of 2) in hybrid form requires an extra 2 TP.
  3. Sword Skills
    • [Swords=6]Give 'em a Lift (8 TP) - Richard runs his sword through the opponent's shoulder and tries to lift them into the air, then dropping them. Treat this as a Chopping attack, except multiply Strength by 5 instead of 3, and the attack only suffers a -3 penalty instead of a -5. Richard needs both hands to use this attack.