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God as man will now ask man to be like God – a divine harvester

According to Chinese legend, Emperor Chen-Nung, know as the "Divine Harvester", was very strict about hygiene and drank only boiled water.

The Divine Harvester is indeed at work among us - ploughing, tilling, sowing, waiting, reaping, leaving fallow and even casting fire into our lives

The Divine Harvester knew the precise moment in which to pluck the fruit, the moment of his perfect ripeness.

But let us remain confident that the good grain will remain, in faith, hope and charity, to be gathered into the barn of eternity by the Divine Harvester.

Sheaves of wheat - Time, the divine harvest, We are all gathered by the divine harvester.

But let us remain confident that the good grain will remain, in faith, hope and charity, to be gathered into the barn of eternity by the Divine Harvester.

Care of the divine Harvester for the precious grain: The particular attention the Lord would give to the house of Israel and those foreordained to special callings.