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. Library . Head Caster's Office .

Front Lobby

Well, in honor of Forlay's arrival here (and in honor of The Difference being finished), we had a new layout! The woman is actually an anime character, but she looks similar to Sarah so.... ^_^. Enjoy!

Whoo! Now back to the real work

January 5th, 2004- The new year's come in and with it, I have a hardened resolve to finish my current three projects - Animorphs Alternate Universe or at least the first arch, The Earth Ring Series, a Teslahani based original piece that I started in NaNo, and my newest Ronin Warriors fanfiction(actually, the Japanese form, Yorodian Samurai Troopers), Jewel. Other than that, first chapter of Book three for A.U.S. will be up by the end of the month. Things will get a little hectic, as I now have two part time jobs, and a four-day-a-week play rehearsal schedule for a competition. Meaning I've screwed myself. Whoo. ~ SMS

Again with the Contest...

As was posted here there's currently a contest going on. I've have a whopping two entries and, obviously, I'd like to have more, so I'm extending the contest to this site. First of all, the contest is for a new character for The Difference - yup, that's right, I'm putting out a contest so that you can do my work for me. ^_^ A little bit of my idea for this character is this - She's a Weapon, and her Caster is a Controller. She's about the age of the Animorphs crew. So, for the contest, I need a couple of things:

  • A NAME (duh)
  • The Basics - Exact Age, Date of Birth, Height, Weight, physical description (hair color, eye color, any scar, etc)
  • Family stuff - What do her parents do for a living, does she have siblings, where does she live, are her parents divorced, blah blah blah and all that.
  • Emotional stuff - FEARS - what the hell is she afraid of? Everyone is afraid of something, so give her something to fear - spiders, heights, dogs, cats, to name a few. Also, anything else that fits in this category, including family relationships - does she hate her dad because of whatever, or anything like that.
  • History stuff - Her personal history. This one doesn't really have an explination or any real guidelines, so... have fun. ^_^
  • Anything else that seems important - Exactly.
So you need to email me all this lovely stuff, either pasted into an email or attached to one (.txt or .doc or .html files only, thanks). Make sure everything is labeled so I know what it is!!!!!!!!! Have fun! (I don't know when the contest ends, exactly, but do it fast, because it will be over definitely before the end of A.U.S. Book 2 is all posted on FFN. Again, enjoy!


15/07/03 - Well, I'm back from Vacation. Expect those promised chapters and possibly some art...? ^_^
09/02/03 - Heiya all, your friendly neighborhood fanfic author here. We're just gettin' off the ground, so check back frequently. ~SMS
10/02/03 - Students A-M and Students N-Z updated and partially finished. I will periodically update it as more characters get introduced.
Prologue is up. Enjoy.
Students K-M, Students N-Z are all up. Whew.
09/06/03 - Lots of updates - some more chapters up in The Faith. Also, a somewhat comprehensive Guide to the Gods of the Northern Teslahani, ie, Sarah's people. Exactly. ^_^

Copyrights & Linkware

All graphics are Copyright © of Diana unless otherwise specified. Site design found at Day Dream Graphics.

Site Copyright © Brittany K. Wilson. Layout designed by Space-Kitten.