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    Oral Presentation Rubric : Weather Report Presentation

    Teacher Name: Debra Hudson

    Student Name:     ________________________________________

Listens to Other Presentations
Listens intently. Does not make distracting noises or movements.
Listens intently but has one distracting noise or movement.
Sometimes does not appear to be listening but is not distracting.
Sometimes does not appear to be listening and has distracting noises or movements.
Volume is loud enough to be heard by all audience members throughout the presentation.
Volume is loud enough to be heard by all audience members at least 90% of the time.
Volume is loud enough to be heard by all audience members at least 80% of the time.
Volume often too soft to be heard by all audience members.
Script Content
Shows a full understanding of the topic.
Shows a good understanding of the topic.
Shows a good understanding of parts of the topic.
Does not seem to understand the topic very well.
Collaboration with Peers
Almost always listens to, shares with, and supports the efforts of others in the group. Tries to keep people working well together.
Usually listens to, shares with, and supports the efforts of others in the group. Does not cause "waves" in the group.
Often listens to, shares with, and supports the efforts of others in the group but sometimes is not a good team member.
Rarely listens to, shares with, and supports the efforts of others in the group. Often is not a good team member.
Routinely uses time well throughout the project to ensure things get done on time. Group does not have to adjust deadlines or work responsibilities because of this person's procrastination.
Usually uses time well throughout the project, but may have procrastinated on one thing. Group does not have to adjust deadlines or work responsibilities because of this person's procrastination.
Tends to procrastinate, but always gets things done by the deadlines. Group does not have to adjust deadlines or work responsibilities because of this person's procrastination.
Rarely gets things done by the deadlines and group has to adjust deadlines or work responsibilities because of this person's inadequate time management.
Quality of Work
Provides work of the highest quality
Provides high quality work.
Provides work that occasionally needs to be checked/redone by other group members to ensure quality.
Provides work that usually needs to be checked/redone by others to ensure quality.
Weather Map Labels-Accuracy
At least 90% of the items are labeled and located correctly.
80-89% of the items are labeled and located correctly.
79-70% of the items are labeled and located correctly.
Less than 70% of items are labeled and located correctly.
Station Model Chart
100% complete, 90% accurate, logical.
89-80% complete accurate, logical.
79-70% complete not logical or accurate.
Not turned in.

Date Created: Apr 14, 2005 12:27 am (CDT)

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