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The demonqueen's site

Hello and welcome to my space on the web. My name is the demonqueen and here at this site you will learn about Demonology,werewolfs,vampires and all sorts of things.Should you have any questions or links you would like me to add, simple email me(at the bottom of the page) and I will take care of it. Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again!
What is Evil?
Each world religion or tradition seems to have its own idea of what is considered evil. In some cases, these ideas are similiar if not identical, whereas in other cases, these ideas are almost as complete opposites. When you begin to look within religions, you find many, many interpretations of what evil is and how it came to be in the world. Religions that have an omnipotent God, such as Judaism and Christianity, have some of the most elaborate constructions for the existence of evil, while religions such as Hinduism tend to have gods and goddesses with both positive and negative aspects.
What is a werewolf?
Some people believed that the werewolf was the projection of a demon, which made its victims appear as a wolf in his own eyes and to those around him,that Satan would leave the lycanthrope asleep behind a bush, go forth as a wolf, and perform whatever evil might be in that person’s mind. nineteenth century French occultist Éliphas Lévi believed that the wounds so often reported in the cases of werewolves could be attributed to the out-of-body experience.
What is a vampire?
A vampire is an animated corpse that feed off the living to substain itself. It is believed in some texts that Lilith is the first vampire. She was oringally created by GOD as Adam's first wife.She was created from mud, thus marring her soul so she only spawned evil. She eventually left Adam and joined satan. At some point Cain (the son of Adam and his second wife,Eve.) took her as his wife and they gave birth to vampires.

My Favorite Web Sites

Links to the sites where we obtained the information above
My yahoo profile
Vampire Creation( uses experts from the bible to show that Cain father the first vampires)
HTML Gear - free polls, guestbooks, and more!

My Favorite things about Angelfire.
