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Thank you very much for visiting my how to web-page, by the end of this session you will know how to build a web-page (depending on how much you really want to know how to)

The hardest thing about making a web-page is finding you domain server, and the one I am use, and currently am using is the angelfire domain, but there are variose domains, moving on

Next Thing
You really need to know HTML, now I understand that some might think that means hotmail, but it doesn't, actualy it is a very advanced computer systematic code that stands for HyperText Markup Language
There are also forms such as DHTML-XHTML-XML-etc., but those are not curently important
some examples of very popular HTML have been listed below
Center Text
Link to another page
Change font color
and those are only some of many; you can find many, many more out there, and here are some of the sites you can visit
See HTML in use
Now Back to the basics, to build a page you must have paitients, belive me, this is a priority, if you don't you will completely abondon it all together, you will have a better time with you'r work when you discover new things.
well lets see if you remember anything
