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Eternity Series Homeplanet

"from whence do you come stranger" he was asked. to which he replied, "from everywhere and no-where, from both the future and the past."

"And so he sought out knowledge and discovered much, but in doing so cursed himself and so it was that his soul was cast adrift upon the infinite streams of time."

Site Info

Welcome Visitors to my website
This is the homepage for the Eternity Series, which I am currently writing. The purpose of the site is to have an archive of out-takes, short stories and quotes that have developed during the process. These may or may not actually form part of the Series, but may form the foundation of offshoot works in the future.

Some of you may wonder why it is called the Eternity Series rather than just Eternity the novel. The simple answer to this question is that the goal of my work is to write six novels in total. Thus a series for which the plotlines for all six parts are completed. In fact the first book is roughly nine-tenths completed, with parts of the second written out in note form.

The Series is set in a Science Fiction alternate universe, beginning on Earth and proceeding from there to places elsewhere. The basic framework of history for Earth is similar to the true history, with a few exceptions, and many well known historical events occured as they did in real life. Some examples would be World Wars 1 & 2, and the development of Space flight during the latter half of last century. There are some notable exceptions to true history including The War in Iraq not occurring and the Collapse of the UN. Political implications aside the development of viable Fusion Reactors and the total abandoning of nuclear weapons make for an different world. Add a mix of intrigue, dissent and alien species and you can get a general idea of the content of the Series.

Well it is long road to finishing a novel and I am learning like every other writer has for thousands of years, but I hope that soon I will have an archive of shorts and out takes up, until then farewell and safe journey through times unending stream.



Eternity Project News

In a few short weeks I will graduate from university. This means several things will change, most notably the amount of time I have to write. Obviously I will be working but there will most likely be less work to take home leaving me a large amount of time free where previously it was filled by study. This means that updates will (hopefully) become more regular in addition to more stuff going into the archives. However I will be more focussed on the completion of the first novel for the Series as it is close to completion, so you may not get updates as often as I would like.
There is good news in other areas of the work because I am just about ready to start playtesting the Tabletop Wargame Rules that I am working on. These rules are based heavily on the Eternity Series Background, right down to including races, weapons, warmachines and some of the special characters from the books. Look out for them appearing for download soon.

The story archives are now open, click here to see them.

Image Archive Open
Click on the Image to go view it


Other Projects

* Sculpting a set of character figures for Eternity Series

* Finish painting all the figures I currently own

* Working up some rules for an Eternity Tabletop Wargame

* Do some work on artwork for the Covers and inserts

* Finish building my new PC


The List

* Only a few weeks of university left

* Hooray for my Necromundan 8th Imperial Guard actually starting to take shape

* Resident Evil Apocalypse, a nice film but a little too much special effects

* Getting a job for the holidays, cash is good!

* Skitz Mix 18 & 19, woohoo!

* My overdue miniature order finally arrived so now I have a Dreadnought with a multi-melta

* New Codex Space Marines and 40k 4th Edition Rulebook

* Finally worked out how to sculpt well in 25mm scale, meaning some Eternity Figures are on their way



* Inspiration and Stuff

* Weapon Specifications, the basis for E.S Weapons

* Games Workshop: The Makers of Warhammer 40K

* The Cloaked Hunter Website

* The Main Sub's Underground Site

* Angelfire - Free Home Pages


Version 1.032.00 31/10/04


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