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Dark Battles:
<< 2500: Robot God
Year 2509: Attack on Earth
Year 2778: Earth's Final Day
Year 3064: Robot World
Year 4585: Time Travel
Year 6789: Final Conflict

Dark Battles Future:
Year 45854: Dark Planet
Year 46001: The President
Year 46050: The Dark Lord

<< Characters
<< Devices
<< Past Adventures

<< Contact
<< Links
<< Special Thanks


Welcome to the Official Dark Battles Fan Fiction site. Dark Battles is a Fan fiction I created about Andrew Paulson, a character given Immortality by a strange and mysterious creature called Judo. Andrew Paulson declares that from here on out he'll use his special powers of immortality and strength to help the good of the people. Check out the "Back Stories" to read short stories of the past, or check out the "Characters" section to learn about each character. Dark Battles is a 6 Part story, Part 1 "2500: Robot God" Is now up to read. Part 2 to come soon.

Latest UpdatesJune 25, 2002

Welcome to the opening, Part 1is currently up, so enjoy it and the rest of the information on the side bar. Want to create your own Dark Battle adventure? Send in your fan fiction to:



Dark Battles is © 2001-2002 to Andrew Paulson, all characters are © Andrew Paulson and only him.