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The Scholar, The Scientist, The Warrior and The Alien.

Title: The Scientist.
Author: Sethoz.
Rating: Any age.
Summary: The thoughts of the scientist of SG-1.
Spoilers: None.
Series: sequel to 'The Scholar.'
Authors note: Okay this came to me in the middle of my History lesson, thanks to 'Invader' (You know who you are!) Hope you enjoy it. E-mail me with ANY feedback (except for rotten fruit)

Disclaimer: the characters mentioned in this story are the property of Showtime and Gekko Film Corp. The Stargate, SG-1, the Goa'uld and all other characters who have appeared in the series STARGATE SG-1 together with the names, titles and backstory are the sole copyright property of MGM-UA Worldwide Television,Gekko Film Corp, Glassner/Wright Double Secret Productions and Stargate SG-1 Prod. Ltd. Partnership. This fanfic is not intended as an infingement upon those rights and solely meant for enterainment. All other characters, the story idea and the story itself are the sole property of the author.
The Scientist.
As I look at the world the stargate has taken us, I can hear Daniel and Jack, the colonel I correct myself arguing. Some things never change I smile to my self. Ahead of me I can see Teal'c looking at something, I spend up interested. I know only I could find bits of soil and sand interesting but hey it's a living. As I get to Teal'c he points at a piece of metal which looks melted. I drop down beside it and begin to take samples. Daniel and the colonel have finished arguing and Daniel drops down beside me, pushing his long hair out the way. I can't help but smile at his enthusiasm. He knows nothing about metals but I know he will listen and hear... unlike a certain colonel. Teal'c is standing guard over Daniel as he did every day. I don't think Daniel knows how important he is to SG-1. He never notices Teal'c guarding him. Teal'c never forgave him self after choosing Sha're as Amonet's new host and know watches over Daniel. The last time anyone attacked Daniel Teal'c nearly ripped his head off... but that was only because O'neill hadn't got there first. If O'neill had got there first they would have been finding bits of the bloke for weeks to come. Daniel is a brother to me and I hope he thinks I'm a sister. I often wonder what Teal'c thinks of us. He just stands or sits there and moves those eyebrows of his.
"Sammmmmmmm...." Daniel's voice is in my ears. "Jacks is being nasty." I smile at him and turn to Jack mock anger in my face.
"Sir! What have you being doing!" Jack looks at me innocence all over his face
"Me? I haven't done anything to Danny-boy." He smiles evilly as he says that and I can't help but laugh. A shout from Teal'c and we all grab our guns. We move with the skill of the best, thinking as one, like a family. Even on p4x 957 millions of light years away from Earth I fell safe. Because I know we will be okay.