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The Scholar, The Scientist, The Warrior and The Alien.

Title: The Scholar.
Author: Sethoz
Rating: any age.
Summary: Just the thoughts of the scholar of SG-1.
Spoilers: Umm... none?
Series: Part 1. The Scholar, The Scientist, The Warrior and The Alien.
Authors note: This is part one of my new series: The Scholar, The Scientist, The Warrior and The Alien. Thanks Tom who gave me the idea for this even though he didn't know it.E-mail me with thoughs, comments.

Disclaimer: the characters mentioned in this story are the property of Showtime and Gekko Film Corp. The Stargate, SG-1, the Goa'uld and all other characters who have appeared in the series STARGATE SG-1 together with the names, titles and backstory are the sole copyright property of MGM-UA Worldwide Television,Gekko Film Corp, Glassner/Wright Double Secret Productions and Stargate SG-1 Prod. Ltd. Partnership. This fanfic is not intended as an infingement upon those rights and solely meant for enterainment. All other characters, the story idea and the story itself are the sole property of the author.

The Scholar.
I stare at the gate, slowly opening, in wonder. No matter how many time I have gone through it I am always stunned. In my head I quickly run through everything in my backpack... boring stuff, coffee, notebook, coffee, camcorder, coffee, more boring stuff and yet more coffee. I glance at Jack standing beside me, always confident and bold. Sam is a little in front talking to Teal'c who is just standing there. Sam could talk as much as me. Jack always said SG-1 were noisey and the most unlucky team in the base. I disagree with him, SG-1 is the luckiest team. I can just imaging Janet's face if i told her that... her mouth would drop so far it would hit the ground. I'm right though. We may have died more than any other team... okay I may have died more but we are so close we're like a family. I KNOW Teal'c would do anything for any of us. Jack would happily jump in front of a bullet to save us and Sam would rather kill herself than let any of us down. My team, my family. I cast another look at them and wonder at my luck to know such people. I have to wonder though, do I deserve this? Do I deserve what I have now?
"Daniel! Get your butt though this gate now!" Jacks voice echoes in my ears making me jump.
"sorry Jack" I mutter as I walk up the ramp. I am sorry Jack, sorry, I must let you down a lot. I had been so busy in my thoughts that the gate had opened and Sam had already gone through.
"You scholars... always have you're head in the clouds, right Danny-boy." Jack's voice follows me as I step into the wormhole and I smile to my self. I belong here. I know that now. With my family. With Jack, my best friend and brother. With Sam, who I love like a sister. And Teal'c the most loyal friend I have ever had. I smile at Sam and we set out to discover.
The End.