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Past Updates!

UPDATE 05/04/2002
ummm... what can I say but... sorry? I'm SO SORRY for not updating this. Been Ill, then a CERTAIN website which shall I will not name *coughangelfirecough* whouldn't let me on. Anyway, this is just a five minute update, the proper one will be on Sunday. I will be adding a new part to the round robin and I WILL add the last part of Goddess Need. I'm evil I've been told, becasue I haven't finished it. Well I have now it's just a question of typing it up.
THIS IS IMPROTANT: Read Layton Colt's brilliant fic's. She is one of my fav writers and it was her who *kindly* asked me to get the last part up of Goddess Need. anyway, she is one of the best there is. You can find her stories on our Fic index!
COMING SOON: More in the Gou'ald index, the last part of goddess need and more!

UPDATE 03/03/2002
Welcome! I was in shock as desert_rose has DONE SOMETHING! Yes she has! Check out our round robin for part 2. We also have part 4 of Goddess need, (At Last!)There are new things on the list 'You knowyou're...', our plot bunnie adoption center,(in the fic page)a new fic and more.
COMING SOON: More in the Gou'ald index, the last part of goddess need and more!
UPDATE 24/02/2002
I'm Back! *Manic smile*. Ho hum, Sunday all ready.Well you lucky people what have we got for you today? Well...Links, A list of beta's and a lord of the rings page (I know it's not about stargate, but still) Also, WE WON A AWARD!!!

COMING SOON... More in the Gou'ald index, part 4 of Goddess need (Next week, I promise!), Plot bunnies for adoption and more!
UPDATE 17/02/2002
I'm afired this site hasn't been updated this week due to sethoz(me) falling ill and Rose having to vist...err...someone... look I'm not well, leave me alone. hopefully we'll be up and running next week.

UPDATE 13/02/2002
Hello everybody! Well here I am. We have two new fic's. One by Blackmagic called A brothers love
The other is by Layton called Malik Craynal
Don't be afried to e-mail us...
(I take people who want to say nice things, send the others to Rose then just click on our names.)
Click on the two links below to vote for us. You know you want to...
Okay now I really need do some work...

UPDATE 10/02/2002
*Sob* It's been a sad week. Daniel died!!!!!!!!!!! Flag flown at half mast. Any way just as I was putting my life back together another dister...
Gareth lost pop Idol! Not only that but I have been haveing nightmares! Read our new page to find out why. As such we have only had time to put up a brand new list. There is a new itam on our 'you knoe youre ob...' list AND we have Postcards!!! If you want to e-mail us (I take people who want to say nice things, send the others to Rose then just click on our names.
A v.unhappy Sethoz and a v.happy Rose.(becasue sethoz is unhappy)
Click on the two links below to vote for us. You know you want to...
Oh yeah, check back wednesday for a update and THREE, yes THREE new fics... I wonder if i can go to bed now?
UPDATE 3/2/2002
well what do you know! I have a new co-worker! Here is a short message and info about her;
Hi Danny Jackson fans!
I'm Desert_Rose and I'll be helping sethoz out with the site. The two of us are good friends and I'm more than happy to help. In a few weeks I'll be putting up a story so look out for it. What else can I tell you about myself? Not much really. My 2 fav Stargate characters are Daniel (obviously) and Jack. I'm sure I can guess who yours is!! From the look of it, you all think the same about the site as I do. IT'S GREAT!! Well I'll sign off now. Make sure to email either sethoz or me with any comments. Speak to all of you soon.

There's a new story, a form so you can sumit fic and my round robin is at last up and running (I hope)AND Desert_Rose has added more to 'why the Gou'ld are bad' Read it for little nuggets of wisdom from our very own Jack O'neill. Well now that I'm done I'm off to bed....
UPDATE 27/01/2002
It's a sad day at this site... Danny_Jackson will be leaving due to a illness... wait a mo, that means i'll have to do all the work!!!! OH GREAT

My feelings right now...Bad, very bad.
well any way, MY Gou'ld index is up and running, theres a new fanfic up and a new page... read 'Why the Gou'ld are bad' for Jacks insight into the Gou'ld. See you next week!(Just me... Just Sethoz... No Danny_Jackson...Great)

UPDATE 1/1/2002 Happy New year! i have added
three new itams to the you know you'r obsessed with stargate SG-1 when... list and i had to refomat the whole site so the second part to Goddess need is not up yet. It's comeing soon!! (I hope...)
UPDATE 11/01/2002.
Um... what can i say... i canda deleted the whole front page... and part 4 to Goddess need.
I will put it on as soon as poss, i will at the same time add a diff Fanfic... soon!
UPDATE 19/01/2002.
It's late and i'm sleepy... Just time to add one fic... tomorrow i will have time to add three more... check back tomorrow.

UPDATE 20/01/2002.
What do ya know... I did it! Three new fic for my 'The Scholar, The Scientist, The Warrior and The Alien' series. I have added more to my 'You know you're ob...' list. I have been busy. More soon!!