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Sailor Moon

  1. Name:Serena
  2. Japanese name:Tsukino Usagi
  3. age:14-16
  4. Birthday:June 30
  5. Hobbies:shopping, eating, sleeping, and video games
  6. Favorite subject:Home ec.
  7. Favorite gemstone:Diamond
  8. Height:4'11"

In the beginning of Sailor Moon, Serena is a 14 year old crybaby who can't do anything right. One day when she is late for school, she comes across a couple of kids picking on a cat with a "Crescent bald spot." Serena picks up the cat to see if it was okay, and rushes off to school. Later that day, the cat with the crescent bald spot appears in Serena's room and tells her she is Sailor Moon. Serena doesn't beleive Luna, the cat, but Luna tells her to say "Moon Prism Power!" which she does. She turns into Sailor Moon and starts freaking out! Being Sailor Moon was a new Experience for Serena and is the only thing she gets better at as the series progresses. Because of her unique hair style, she is often called "Odango Atama(Dumpling head or Meatball head). However she doesn't like those nicknames.

Serena is the reincarnation of Princess Serenity of the Moon Kingdom 1000 years ago. She fell in love with Prince Endymion of Earth. They were forbidden to be together so the two would meet in secret. When the Moon Kingdom was destroyed, Queen Serenity used the last of her strength to send her daughter, the prince, and the other scouts 1000 years into the future to present day earth.

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