Tranis & Kerwaine
Played byVarya

1.) Name: Tranis

2.) Gender and orientation: male, Heterosexual

3.) Species: human

4.) Age: 42

5.) Rank: Herald

6.) Physical appearance: Short brown hair, of middling height and build, with dark, pensive, brown eyes

7.) Personality (can be more fully developed later on): Very, very introverted. He spends far more time with the Companions than with human company; he feels awkward around humans but has always loved horses, so a Companion’s horselike form puts him at ease.

8.) Brief history: Tranis worked as a stable-hand at the King’s Call, an inn, until it burned when he was 23. When it burned down, he woke everyone, then ran outside to get the horses out of the stable. Seeing his own Companion thru the flames on the other side of the stable, he raced in, thinking a horse was still trapped inside. Kerwaine broke in the rear door and dragged him out, then Chose him and chewed him out. He trained up as a Herald, and has been one ever since, having had no extraordinary experiences in that time save for his “tragic affair” with a woman named Naia.

9.) Mother: Tania, deceased, formerly a housewife, very mousy and motherly, adored her son and two daughters immensely

10.) Father: Barret, deceased, formerly a blacksmith, seemed rather emotionless most of the time but paternal toward his son, cared deeply for Tranis, even if he never showed it.

11.) Siblings: Tani, 36, tavern cook, takes after her mother, looks up to her brother as a role model for her son; Ame, deceased, died at less than a year of SIDS

12.) Other significant relatives: Keth, Tani’s son, 13, looked up to his uncle until he reached 11, now thinks as little of him as he does of all adults

13.) Romantic interests: Shalia, 39, female, horsetrainer, very stubborn and hot tempered, met when Tranis was 26, separated two years later when Shalia got offered a job outside of Valdemar

14. Friends: Human? None. Companion? Most every one he’s met.

15.) Pets: a black stallion Tayo, died of old age

16.) NPC's: none


1.) Gifts and strengths of Gifts: Foresight of descent but not dazzlingly impressive strength, almost no mindspeech even with Kerwaine

2.) Reasons why you deserve to be a Herald: see above, eh? I’ve answered this twice already

3.) Can your character be spared from their family to become a Herald? Yes, his folks are dead and he could be spared to be a stable hand before that, anyway.


1.) Name: Kerwaine

2.) Gender: female

3.) Age: older adult

4.) Personality: as snide and cynical as imaginable, Kerwaine always has one smart-mouthed comment or another, but she really is caring, if you can get past all that