Swiftstar & Rathe
Played by Varya

1.) Name: Swiftstar (Swif)

2.) Gender and orientation: female, heterosexual

3.) Species: human

4.) Age: 16

5.) Rank: Herald-trainee

6.) Physical appearance: black hair, coppery complexion, high cheekbones, 5’5”, silver-grey eyes, stubborn chin, triangular jaw (pic coming soon)

7.) Personality: closemouthed, reclusive, introverted, but not afraid of people, pensive

8.) Brief history: see below

9.) Mother: Shadowstar, died at 23, no other information available (I have it, Swif doesn’t)

10.) Father: no information available (I have it, Swif doesn’t)

11.) Siblings: none

12.) Other significant relatives: no known blood relations, see history for unrelated “family”

13.) Romantic interests: none

14. Friends: Seth (see below), Kador, Seth’s Companion (see below), Rathe, her Companion (see below).
Seth regards her as a good friend, if someone in need of some familiarization with Valdemar, and worries about her (surprise surprise) a lot. Kador thinks that she gives Seth a good dose of common sense every so often, and appreciates that from her, and Rathe…Rathe is her companion! Seriously…

14.) Pets: none

15.) NPC's: n/a


1.) Gifts and strengths of Gifts: mindspeech—strong enough to maintain communication with Companion at any time, but not to communicate with Heralds over great distances (i.e.—more than five miles w/o companion boost); magegift—well, she’s no Vanyel, but she is capable of adept classing (if you’ll allow it)

2.) Reasons why you deserve to be a Herald: does anyone really deserve to? Truth, she’s got a good heart, if overly analytical at times, and she does go out of her way to do good, not because she’s righteous, just because she … has to. She can’t explain it, and neither can anyone else, its just this knowledge that if she can help, she has to.

3.) Can your character be spared from their family to become a Herald? What family? She has none. Besides, she left already anyway (see history below)


1.) Name: Rathe

2.) Gender: male

3.) Age: adult

4.) Personality: far more outspoken and extroverted than his chosen, he sees to it that she gets enough human interaction, whether she wants it or not, and is constantly forcing her into situations where she must deal with others. When not tending to her introversion, he is personable and involved, with all the leadership qualities his chosen either lacks or fails to display, he is not certain which, yet

5) Siblings: a twin brother, Kador

Herald-Mage Trainee

1.) Level when fully trained: adept

2.) Skills: I’m not entirely sure what you’re asking for here

3.) Specialty: informal work

4.) Story: This is the brief version. For a longer version, contact me. It will be MUCH longer.

Swif was born to a half-Tayledras mother by an unknown father in a small village as her mother passed thru on her way home. Unfortunately, as “fate” would have it, Shadowstar died of the birth, leaving the village healer, an old woman with three grown children of her own, to tend Swif. The last thing Shadowstar said was the child’s name: Swiftstar. The villager disliked the child, for she was quite…different…from them, and, if you recall anything about people, you’ll recall that most don’t like differences. Then, when she got older, she had a nightmare and the entire house in which the old healer and she lived shook. Come morning, she walked thru to discover various things laying crumpled on the floor, ect. The villagers had seen this and were scared of her. They ran her out of town – not that she was too traumatized; she’d meant to go, anyway. Her job was a bit harder than she’d expected, because she had to sleep in hiding as she journeyed northward (the direction they’d said her mother had been going), but she made her way all right. She learned Rethwellan fairly decently, though not spectacularly, and her speech is slow and careful. There she learned of Valdemar, and heedlessly traveled north to get there, never thinking to stop and learn the language. She has picked up several short phrases, and her Companion tries to help her as much as he can, but by and large, her Valdemaran leaves a lot to be desired.

5.) Why do you want to play a Herald-Mage? Swif was something I designed a long time ago, when I was reading the books for the first time, and I’ve always wanted to play her, as she is an extension of one part of myself; one of many

6.) What will you try to accomplish with your Herald-Mage? There are a few problems with Swif, first and foremost being that she knows so little about anything dealing with herself, creating a great opportunity for plot development. A Herald-mages are rare, as well, having one more available in the event of a “situation”—which Valdemar seems to find a lot of—is always handy.