Played by Rachel

1.) Name: Sideha (pronounced Sid-ay-uh)

2.) Gender and orientation: male, heterosexual

3.) Species: Shin'a'in

4.) Age: 28

5.) Rank: Horse Trainer/ WeaponsMaster

6.) Physical appearance: Sideha is a very typical Shin'a'in. He has jet black hair that is to the middle of his back, and he prefers to keep it in tight braids, and bound back into a ponytail, kept tied at the base of his neck. His face is very sharp and angular, 'hawk-like' as many like to call it, with caramely-brown skin. His eyes are a very dark brown, almost black, and give him a very foreboding appearance, if not to mention intimidating. As far as body goes, he is tall, standing at 6' 1", and is lean. But don't let that fool you... he's deadly quick with a sword/dagger/bow and arrow or any weapon he's been schooled in (which is a wide variety). And because of his turns of working with the Shin'a'in horses, he is strong and cunning, and as skilled on horseback as he is on the ground.

7.) Personality: Sideha is, well, quite unpredictable. 80% of the time he is amiable, easy to deal with, and very straight forward (with respect when the situation calls for it). But the other 20% of the time he is a whirlwind of emotions. They range from very dangerous, to more friendly then almost any Shin'a'in, to downright unfriendly. In a tight situation, he's quick to think of a solution, and when schooling someone, whether it be in horsemanship or weapons, he is a fair, but strict teacher. He shows no one favoritism.

8.) Brief history: He was born on the plains, with his clan: the Kaloneyas. With his two sisters and one brother, he was raised to lead a typical Shin'a'in life. His family, and clan, raised their own herd of goats, cows, and other various livestock. But with those, they had their own stock of the prized Shin'a'in horses: war steeds and those who were not raised to go to war or do battle. Sideha proved to have a way with them, and requested to learn with the clans group of trainers. He was granted this permission, and when not training with the WeaponsMaster of the clan, he was training with the horses.
He proved to have skill with each as he matured, and soon found himself teaching others, second in skill only to the head trainer of the horses, and the WeaponsMaster of the Kaloneyas. He interacted with other clans on the plains, conducting trades and other such go between assignments. But then a request from the palace at Haven came, for several Shin'a'in steeds. Mares were not allowed out of the plains, but even the stallions had to be gaurded, and Sideha was chosen to do this job.

9.) Mother: Ekrika, 67, Healer; very tender and loving to everyone, rarely ever deals out very strict punishments; She is very proud of her son, of course, but always worried that the plains would be too small for him, and one day he would want to explore what was outside the plains. This current assignment, she also fears, will be too tempting and will keep him from them for much longer then the assignment requires.

10.) Father: Siyen, 72, Clan Elder, presence is as intimidating as his son's, yet he is more fearsome to those who are not in-clan, his punishments fit the crime, and he is not one to coddle those that he knows can do better; He thinks much of his son, and all he has accomplished so far in life. He knows, and has foreseen, that the plains will not contain their son, and has told Sideha as much before he left with the 7 steeds for Haven.

11.) Siblings: Sisters- Ithray, 18, assistant horse trainer; very kind and loving, like her mother, but is not as tolerant of mistakes (especially with herself), she is shy around those who she has never met (directly or indirectly) and will excuse herself quickly from anything that she does not feel comfortable in; Ithray adores her brother, and very much aspires to be like him. Unfortunately, she is not as good with weapons as he, so has concentrated much of her attention on the Shin'a'in steeds.
Ureh, 29, Clan "babysitter"; as her rank decrees, she is very gentle, patient and no-nonsense. She takes little to no disobedience from the little ones, and is quick to correct them as the situation demands it; Ureh, being Sideha's older sister, if only by a year, has been a huge influence in his life. She's given him much needed advice many times, and has given him feed back on his many ideas and desires. But in a way, her brother has inspired her to take more initiative in her own life than she used to.
Brother: Elniko, 23, Healer; he's not the friendliest sort, and is very hard to get to know. He shuts out those who have scorned him, and is very unwilling to accept change. The only people who have seen his sensitive and not-so-harsh side are his family and a select few clan members (including his soon-to-be-wife, Lanka); As far as Sideha goes, he's always thought his desire to go out of the plains was strange and misplaced, but respected it none the less. His brother is his senior and deserves his respect. He wishes nothing to happen to him, and therefore thinks the best way for him to remain safe is to stay on the plains.

12.) Other significant relatives: not really

13.) Romantic interests: none, his work and pursuit for excellence left little time for much else

14. Friends: Huren, 45, male, Weaponsmaster; he is kind, strict, and fair to all he meets and trains, and to those he is close to he is an invaluable friend. He'll stick up for those he feels deserve it, and always stay true to his promises, no matter the consequence for doing otherwise; Sideha was always his favorite student, and as soon as he'd almost bettered him in an hour long fight, it was time to truly test him. Sideha more than proved himself to Huren, and in no time they were closer then teacher/student.

14.) Pets (Name, age, species, gender, personality, what they think of the character)- none

15.) NPC's :
Mother: Ekrika, 67, Healer; father: Siyen, 72, Clan Elder; Sisters: Ithray, 18, assistant horse trainer and Ureh, 29, Clan "babysitter"; Brother: Elniko, 23, Healer; Friend: Huren, 45, male, Weaponsmaster