Royce & Celedae
Played by Nicole

1.) Name: Royce Futhark

2.) Gender and orientation: Female, Heterosexual

3.) Species: Human

4.) Age:15

5.) Rank: Herald Trainee

6.) Physical appearance: Short curly Red hair, green eyes, and stands about 5'4

7.) Personality (can be more fully developed later on): She's really shy to people that she doesn't know, but if she knows you, very talkative

8.) Brief history: Raised by her mother, on a little farm outside of a small village. All of her family lives on this farm. No one really pays Royce much attention, because she always has her head into a book, and spending a lot of her time talking to the farm animals, Mostly to her cat, and a pair of horses her father saved, which to her family, that's a little odd. So they just leave her alone to her own business That very same reason is why she's shy.

9.) Mother (Name, age, job, rank, personality, what they think of the character): Fresca, 38 years old. She farms with her family and a few of her friends who come to visit once in awhile. Fresca loves her daughter, but wishes that she would get her nose out of a book, stop talking to the animals, and start paying attention to the real world. Especially if she wants a husband to marry.

10.) Father (Name, age, job, rank, personality, what they think of the character) Died at the age of 35, rescuing a pair of horses from the stable, because it had caught on fire. He always told Royce "Have trust in the animals, because they know what is happening more than we humans do." He even told her that sometimes he thought that he heard them 'talk' back to him.

11.) Siblings (Name, age, gender, job, rank, personality, what they think of the character):None

12.) Other significant relatives (Name, age, gender, job, rank, personality, what they think of the character): None

13.) Romantic interests (Name, age, gender, job, rank, personality, how long character has known them, what they think of the character, romantic status): None

14. Friends (Name, age, gender, job, rank, personality, how long character has known them, what they think of the character): None

14.) Pets (Name, age, species, gender, personality, what they think of the character): One cat named Aleatha. Every where that Royce is Aleatha is right there beside her. Royce is often found talking to her cat about her life, what happened in her book, and anything else that might pop in the conversation. To Royce it had always seemed that every animal that she came in contact with could understand her, and that they 'talked' back to her.

15.) NPC's (Must be listed in one of the above categories! In this part, their name and role is enough) Fresca, Royce's mother, Aleatha, her cat, and any other stray animal that happens to walk along.


1.) Gifts and strengths of Gifts (Firestarting, Empathy, Healing, Bardic, and Animal Mindspeech must be approved and have a good sheet!): A decent amount of Mindspeech, and a strong gift in Animal mindspeech.

2.) Reasons why you deserve to be a Herald

3.) Can your character be spared from their family to become a Herald? (More than yes or no!): Yes, because she isn't really needed on the farm, there's plenty of people to keep it going, and finally know one will miss her that much, well except her mother.


1.) Name: Celedae ((Cel for short))

2.) Gender: Female

3.) Age (generic; young adult, adult, older adult, or older): Young adult

4.) Personality: Loves jokes, and playing tricks. Also is very serious about being a Companion, loves to be the center of attention.

5.) Sire/Dam (optional)

6.) Siblings (optional)

7.) Children (if applicable)