Nightfeather k'Valdemar & Edoras
Played by Darcey

1.) Name- Nightfeather k'Valdemar

2.) Gender and orientation- Female, bisexual

3.) Species- Human [Kaled'a'in/Tayledras]

4.) Age- 17

5.) Rank- Trainee

6.) Physical appearance- Nightfeather keeps her long black hair in hundreds of tiny braids, bits of feather and beads twined in. She has a long, aquiline, nearly sharp nose, and brilliant blue eyes that catch attention even when she doesn't want them to. She is a bit on the tall side, but exceedingly slender--almost whipcord-over-bone, with little fat to spare. She has a pair of scars on her right arm from a time several years past when an eagle landed on her forearm with no vambrace to protect her. While careful, the bird left her several deep scars. Her face is narrow and deeply tanned.

7.) Personality- Very bright and eager to learn, but shy--she has spent all of her life in k'Valdemar Vale, with very little exposure to Valdemarans as a whole. Nightfeather has never travelled to Haven--or any further than Errold's Grove--and has been rather sheltered with regard to Valdemarans as a whole. She has spent her time scouting, bonded to a red-shouldered hawk, and become a rather serious young woman. She does have a sense of humour, normal standards, and an excellent memory for tales and epics. Nightfeather is a linguist of high degree, and she enjoys learning new languages and teaching languages to others.

8.) Brief history- Nightfeather was born to Sunfox and Cloudblade, a Master-class Mage and a trondi'irn respectively. Her parents were quite disappointed when they found out she had no Mage-talent, and she turned away from everyone to become a Scout. Nightfeather was incredibly inquisitive, and spent her time learning about the Pelagiris, the k'Leshya--no longer quite such a Lost Clan--and spending time with absolutely anyone who "spoke funny" [foreign languages]. In between her time training as a scout, learning the absolute tiny bit of Gifts she had--strong Mindspeech, and minor Animal Mindspeech.
Anxious, she began to work as a Scout. Her Bondbird, a red-shouldered hawk called Dree, was a brilliant and wily bird--and unfortunately extremely curious. Dree went to investigate something under the brush--and was snapped up by something that appeared to consider red-shouldered hawk an entree. With Dree's death, Nightfeather fell back into Vale-life, nearly into a miasma of misery. Her father, a trondi'irn, had her help him with his work, caring for the Vale's kyree, tervardi, dyheli and the gryphons. Cloudblade found that his daughter had an aptitude for helping others, and it began to draw her out of depression and the loss of her bondbird. Nightfeather found herself enjoying work as a trondi'irn, but her interests lying more towards other humans. Cloudblade and Sunfox are beginning to make arrangements to send Nightfeather to k'Leshya for training as a kestra'chern.

9.) Mother- Sunfox, 42, k'Valdemar Master-class Mage; very absorbed in her work, extremely disappointed that her daughter had no Mage-talent; doesn't spend much time with Nightfeather or have time for her.

10.) Father- Cloudblade, 46, k'Valdemar trondi'irn; loves his daughter, spends much time with her and assisting her.

11.) Siblings- none

12.) Other significant relatives- none

13.) Romantic interests- none; wants to become a kestra'chern, so doesn't think it's right to get involved with a single person.

14. Friends: Hrrarl, kyree of indeterminate age; enjoys teaching her tales and languages.

14.) Pets- none

15.) NPC's- none


1.) Gifts and strengths of Gifts: Strong Mindspeech, and minor Animal Mindspeech.

2.) Reasons why you deserve to be a Herald: Nightfeather wants to help people--a desire to train as a kestra'chern with k'Leshya is her current, undying goal--her parents believe that the urge to help other people, more than the land itself, is overcoming her capability to serve k'Valdemar. The loss of her bondbird has made her focus more on the inhabitants of the Vale individually, and she has discovered her interest lies more towards that than towards the healing of the lands of magick.

3.) Can your character be spared from their family to become a Herald?: Nightfeather can be spared by family and Vale to become a Herald; her parents are considering sending her out to k'Leshya to train as a kestra'chern.


1.) Name: Edoras

2.) Gender: male

3.) Age: young adult

4.) Personality: outgoing, eager; little sense of tact, has a tendency to act before he thinks--even for an 'all-knowing Companion'.

5.) Sire/Dam (optional):

6.) Siblings (optional):

7.) Children (if applicable):