
with Companion Tavry


1.) Name: Kylan
2.) Gender and orientation: male, shaych
3.) Species: human
4.) Age: 20
5.) Rank: Herald
6.) Physical appearance: Kylan has auburn hair and green eyes, he is a tall man, and broad, he loves to startle people with his booming voice and booming laugh. He has thick, bushy eyebrows that are perfect for leering at the pretty women. He invokes the barbarian look to the extremes, wearing his red hair long, free, and dressing in a style that deliberately echoes the style of a woodsman. He also has a huge, bushy red beard that always has twigs and leaves trapped in it. He refuses to be civilized, not for anything! He loves bamboozling everyone into thinking he’s a barbarian who thinks with his sword.

7.) Personality: Kylan is a man of layers. His outermost layer is a booming giant. He puts on a show for everyone, acting as if he were a jolly red giant. It has earned him the nickname of The Red Bull, which has become his personal seal. Under the jolly giant is a surprise. Kylan is a very shy man, he seems to hold back his secrets, as if they must be pulled from him one word at a time. Kylan can keep a secret even if it would cost him his life. He has mastered a trick that allows him to forget the secret until it is called to mind by a certain idiom. Under the shy, secret keep is the person that must have been what attracted his Companion. Here is a man of kindness and sensitivity, passion and great anger. Kylan is not a jolly giant or a shy man, he is fierce and hard, ready for anything, yet tender and gentle. Never think that Kylan is dumb, he has amazing skills for acting and lying, he is also very smart and can be ruthless if he needs to be.

8.) Brief history: Kylan was born in a southern country, an orphan in a state institution. When his quick intelligence and skill at acting was discovered, he was taken into the service of his King. He became a spy, he was six at the time. When he was fourteen, he was given his first solo assignment; which was a success. When he was 20, he was an accomplished spy within his country, so they sent him on an outside assignment. He was to learn about Valdemar. When he entered Valdemar, he had not been long on his journey when a white horse came into his possession. With the aid of this swift and strong stallion, Kylan soon reached Haven. What he did not remember, because of the Companion’s tricks, was that the Companion had Chosen him before Kylan had bought him, and had indeed influenced Kylan to buy him. Kylan has just reached the outskirts of Haven, where his story will begin.

9.) Mother: unknown

10.) Father: unknown

11.) Siblings: unknown

12.) Other significant relatives: unknown

13.) Romantic interests: none yet, doesn't know he’s shaych

14. Friends: none yet

14.) Pets: Kylan owns a white raven, very intelligent, can even speak, somewhat. The bird’s name is Scarlet, the bird’s favorite word, and he is a challenge to Kylan.

15.) NPC's: none

1.) Gifts and strengths of Gifts: Kylan’s Gifts are: Mindspeech (can contact anyone in Haven) and Farsight (can see anything in a thirty-mile radius of his person.) Both Gifts are fully trained by the spy masters, he doesn't ever admit he has them.

2.) Reasons why you deserve to be a Herald: I've had a bad life, and sometimes I can be a bit cruel, but overall I try to be the best that I can be, but sometimes I can't be. It’s my fault, I can lay the blame on no one else. Being in an RPG is my chance to be one of the truly good, those who go out and do things that I can't do, because I won't do it, and I have a million excuses why I can't, but they are excuses and very pitiful. Mayhap, a digital Herald is all I can be.

3.) Can your character be spared from their family to become a Herald? Well, he has no family, but his country truly wants him back. He may go so far as to fake his own death to get away from them. Nothing’s going to make him leave Valdemar now.



1.) Name: Tavry

2.) Gender: male

3.) Age: young adult

4.) Personality: Tavry is like his Chosen, large and jolly, with certain shyness within and a certain ruthlessness when it comes to handling the "bad ones"

5.) Sire: Augulas

Dam: Kale (unpartnered female Companion)

6.) Siblings: several

7.) Children: Caddis (unpartnered filly by Sevella (unpartnered)) Nykalis (stallion, partnered by unnamed Herald also by Sevella (unpartnered))


