Jernielle & Reaci
Played by Kat & Jules

1.) Name Jernielle --

2.) Gender and orientation Female, Heterosexual

3.) Species Human

4.) Age 15

5.) Rank Forester's Daughter/Herald-Trainee

6.) Physical appearance Light reddish/blond hair with sky-blue eyes and a dusting of light freckles over the nose and cheeks. Long-limbed, lanky, not yet filled out to her full growth but with the possiblity of becoming a very lovely woman.

7.) Personality (can be more fully developed later on)Outgoing, but hides the fact that she's actually very shy and wants approval of her actions. Tomboy, will try to impress people by wild actions. Loves animals, fearlessly going up to the angriest dog and petting him until he calms down.

8.) Brief history Born the middle child of five to a forester and his wife, as well as the only girl. A little spoilt for being the only girl, but Jernielle grew up more of a tomboy because of her brothers. Jernielle has had some schooling from the Queen's Schools, but most of her knowledge is what she's overheard from her father, so she thinks she knows a little bit about everything, especially woodcraft and animals. When she was younger she claimed that animals spoke to her, but was teased so badly she stopped talking to them. However, recently Jernielle's been having odd experiences... hearing things that people haven't said, answering unasked questions, and getting frequent headaches when she's around a group of people.

9.) Mother (Name, age, job, rank, personality, what they think of the character) Magnolia, 40(ish). Housewife and baker. A very loving intelligent woman with a sharp wit. She wishes her daughter would be 'more womanly' which has caused arguements, but she loves Jernielle dearly and will support her in everything she attempts.

10.) Father (Name, age, job, rank, personality, what they think of the character) Jaxon. 45. A Forester (one who watches over a forest to make sure the villagers are not over cutting, over hunting, etc.) Also captains the fire-firing crew for the village. A flirt, Jaxon is known throughout the village and the surrounding area as a jolly bear of a man who loves his family and the forest with equal passion. His daughter is his pride and joy, who's tried to follow in his footsteps since she was old enough to walk.

11.) Siblings (Name, age, gender, job, rank, personality, what they think of the character) (All Boys) Tomas, 21, Bonesetter (no Healing Gift), the Older Brother, acts like Jernielle is an annoyance but will defend her till death. Just don't tell her that.
Tim, 18, apprentice forester, tries to keep his sister out of trouble but often finds himself throwing his hands up in defeat. Has often shared what he's learned from Jaxon with Jernielle.
Dean, 13. Student. Typical 13-yr-old. (need I say more?) Thinks his sister gets away with far more than she should, "just 'cause she's a girl"
Alex. 9. Student and baby-o-family. Brat. Actually does get away with everything, because he's the baby.

12.) Other significant relatives (Name, age, gender, job, rank, personality, what they think of the character) (none of significance, but since her village is her ancestral home, everyone there knows or is related to Jernielle. Which means she can't get away with anything without her parents knowing by nightfall.

13.) Romantic interests (Name, age, gender, job, rank, personality, how long character has known them, what they think of the character, romantic status) No significant others, as Jernielle feels every cute boy in the village is a cousin, and she's been too shy to speak to boys she meets at the occassional fair.

14.) Friends (Name, age, gender, job, rank, personality, how long character has known them, what they think of the character) Her brothers, her cousins, every dog and cat in the village ... do you want me to make up a whole town? :)

15.) Pets (Name, age, species, gender, personality, what they think of the character) Moonshade, Tevar, and Star: Mommy cat and the two kittens Jernielle got to keep. The 'kittens' are now 2yrs old. All three are typical cats, one minute willing to play and be petted, the next having far better things to do. Moonshade sits at Jaxon's feet for every dinner, Tevar and Star sit at Jernielle's feet. All three get foodscraps and much petting.
Spotty: A dog about 10yrs old that Jernielle's had since puppyhood. Spotty reacts to whistled commands, understanding 'come here', 'lets go home', 'dinnertime', and 'let's roam!'. Barks at wagons, greets the family at the fence, especially loves just sitting on the porch and being petted.

15.) NPC's (Must be listed in one of the above categories! In this part, their name and role is enough) None. I'm not wanting to go into that detail at this time.


1.) Gifts and strengths of Gifts (Firestarting, Empathy, Healing, Bardic, and Animal Mindspeech must be approved and have a good sheet!)Animal Mindspeech/Empathy: Slight. Will probably never grow to more than the 'animals like/trust instantly' stage, possibly with only the simplest messages crossing over, unless the animal is a BondBird or something similar.
MindSpeech: Slight now, will grow to be very strong with training, possibly reaching across the Kingdom, or out-Kingdom with a boost from her Companion.(I visualize Mindspeech as her only Gift. The Animal Mindspeech could be simply because Jernielle's Mindspeech is that strong. )

2.) Reasons why you deserve to be a Herald Jernielle has a strong sense of Right and a loving heart. She genuinely cares about people, often helping out the older villagers carry in laundry or organizing the younger children's games to keep them occupied and out of their parent's hair for a time. She also is the one that has beat up more than one cousin bullying the littler ones... or fetched an older brother to do so. Fair is Fair, to her eyes, and Justice should go out equally.

3.) Can your character be spared from their family to become a Herald? (More than yes or no!) Jernielle has not been interested in following her mother's footsteps, much to her mother's dismay. She's also not interested in weaving, her sewing is barely passible, and she's shown no interest in any of the village boys for future marriage. While Jernielle would love to be a forester, her older brother has already been apprenticed there and her father refuses to take another. While Jernielle helps out around the house with cleaning, there really is nothing that would keep Jernielle from being able to leave home. Her parents and family would miss her, but they would support her decision fully.


1.) Name Reaci -- played by Jules

2.) Gender Mare

3.) Age (generic; young adult, adult, older adult, or older) Adult

4.) Personality (Will Roleplay out)

5.) Sire/Dam (optional)

6.) Siblings (optional)

7.) Children (if applicable) one filly, Euesa, around 2 yr old