Dailiah & Ysa
Played by Stephanie

1.) Name: Dailiah Danvila

2.) Gender: Female

3.) Species: human

4.) Age: 19

5.) Rank: was merchant class, now Herald-trainee

6.) Physical appearance: Tall, about 5'9" short wild light blond hair, slender curvy figure, blue- gray eyes, long legs and arms, small waist, wide hips.

7.) Personality:Tends to bend to the situation, very adoptable underneath she is very lonely (or was until Ysa) Almost an outcast within, intelligent, ditzy, casual, well spoken, witty, charming, and calculated, gathers information, Confused currently at the new way her life has gone

8.) Raised in the middle merchant class given rein to develop her mind, and to try her hand at the trade, Her parents separated in her preteens, she stayed with her father and helped him run the business and was given more few rein in some aspects Despite questionable friends. Was never a typical lady but could act it, never want to conform to standards and had some questionable friends. Recently she discovered some things in the accounts books through Jenufa that a past overseer had borrowed a large quantity of money from discrete sources and never paid them back and in getting to the bottom of it, she drag her friends though misadventures with moneylender's, noble toadies, and the thieves of society (which she knows she has for friends). Calling on any resources she could, Dailiah found herself closing in on this man to get the price on his head, not her father's, when she got Chosen.

9.) Mother: Dayipha 42 is now just a merchant wife in a higher guild instead of partner in a smaller house. Very domestic with only a small streak of independence. Thinks Dailiah may not be able to fit into their societies restraints but almost encourages her not to

10.) Father: Sevalin 41 middle class merchant is satisfied with everything he has been able to do with his life and trade, is sort of blindside when it come to his daughter Thinks she's the perfect Merchant daughter and has no problems.

11.) Siblings: None

12.) Other significant relatives: None that she is in contact with

13.) Romantic interests (Name, age, gender, job, rank, personality, how long character has known them, what they think of the character, romantic status): Dorin , 25, male, Mercenary captain, puts on a serious demeanor to hide a rather wild side independent, romantic, Dailiah stumbled upon Him at a the travel's square as she was gathering information about the city for trade. Was a bit shocked to find something nearly trampling him in the square much less an attractive young woman who was so ingrained in her task she didn't even notice him. Took more work then normal to get her attention and they have very little time to spend together He has left broken hearts before but this may be his first. Know her for 6 months
Tathius 28 Merchant of the same house as Dailiah's Step father, Soft spoken, kind, dependable, patient, fun, always there. Known Dailiah for 6 years
Evelyn, 22 female bardic trainee wild almost to making Dailiah look serious, fun, as controversial as Dailiah, Two years of a casual physical relationship with sprouts in other directions. Sees Dailiah as her other half

14.) Friends: Jenufa, 19 female record keeper for Sevelin, Shy, quiet, troubled, athletic, emotional, smart, Known Dailiah for 10 years been best friends for 9, Thinks she is crazy and fun, unpredictable and unstable
Chrystafer 18, male, lives off family, known Dailiah for 4 years is in love with her, pudgy, pessimistic, jokester, the good guy who gets talked into adventures with Jenufa and Dailiah.

14.) Pets: none yet

15.) NPC's (Must be listed in one of the above categories! In this part, their name and role is enough): Dorin and Evelyn romantic interest


1.) Gifts and strengths of Gifts: Mage with a hint of Empathy

2.) Reasons why you deserve to be a Herald: Because she sees the world in grey and not just black and white, Dailiah knows that its the outcome that matter not the method, and that preserving a culture and its people are the absolute goal of any person.

3.) Can your character be spared from their family to become a Herald? In a way Yes, her father relies on her and trusts her judgment but doesn't really know her, so leaving has always been in the back of her mind. Her Mother will hate the idea but see it as it as one of her daughter Erratic ideas.


1.) Name Ysa

2.) Gender Male

3.) Age (generic; young adult, adult, older adult, or older) Adult

4.) Personality A bit more serious then Dailiah feels she's still a child and needs to reined in. Almost an authority to her. Overall serious, organized, patient, structured mind practical. Detail oriented.

Herald-Mage Trainee

1.) Will be Master in the lower degrees

2.) Skills Diplomatic basically, and defensive magic

3.) Specialty Shields and illusions

4.) Story Her father ex. overseer Jakec, Had been borrowing large sums of money for unrespectable lenders in the slums. When Jenufa pointed it out to her she felt the need to deal with it, (not one of her wises moments she later decided) Dailaih had been raise and sayed in the merchant class area where her father lived and had usually been prevented from going much further despite being streetwise. Stumbling out on the lower realm of society, she found herself in slum tavern and business halls. In the Circlekeg tavern meeting with A notorious thief keeper Hathi. His underlings thought her fair game, deciding they wont worth physically harming the idea that she could and did surround herself with a wall of air to keep them a respectable distant away. It shock her more then it did the underlings. Analyzing it later as she walked through the traveler's square literally running into people, she realized that there may be more power there then just what she did and it was almost connected with how she could read people so well.

5.) Why do you want to play a Herald-Mage? It be unique twist on a character even if it is only defensive like Dailaih.

6.) What will you try to accomplish with your Herald-Mage? Basically an even playing field in areas like politics, and diplomacy and understanding in general